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First of all, thank you to the people on the forum for trying to help. Unfortunately, none of the suggestions have worked and even though Cyberlink personnel received all my communications through a person on this forum, they have not responded to me.

I believe the subject line of this message is incorrect. Cyberlink does provide THE WORST TECHNICAL SUPPORT as far
as I am concerned. I have owned the program since mid January and it is now April. The program is useless because it does not work. In fact, support will not even contact me. My order still does not show up. I have wasted too much time and too much money on this program. This is totally unacceptable. Editing video with this program is impossible.

Thanks Cyberlink for absolutely nothing except frustration. If I were being used to beta test this program, it would have
been nice to have been told.

By the way, where is my order? I tried the link Grace suggested: which is
supposed to let you see your order. Guess what?!? is the result "The order number was not found." Wow...the
same as Cyberlink support! Not found!

I'm seriously thinking of contacting my Attorney General and file a complaint. I'm also sending this to Cyberlink support. Lot of good that will do. How and hell do you get a refund for this piece of crap software?

Totally disgusted,

Gosh! It must be a broken record. I agree with your assessment concerning support.

I don't even believe support read my emails. I even asked them to please read the entire email. They had me doing all kinds of things, blaming my browser(s), and had me reconfigure my browsers, cookies, etc. When I complained again saying the link they sent did not work because it redirected me to another and there was no download button. They responded the link works for them. Well, at that point, they won. I finally gave up.

Even worse, I paid for the additional extended download service. Guess what!??! Yep, when I go to my orders on their web page, it says I do not have any orders with them. I have no idea what is going on and support is apparently too busy to actually read their email and respond.

I also wish I had tried the PowerDirector Ultra 9 program before I purchased it. My purchase decision was based upon the recommendation as a PC Magazines Editor's choice. Don't do as I did. Try the program first so you don't end up like me and others who have posted about their unresolved problems.

I have had a problem with my videos turning bright green in the program since I purchased it in January 12th. I cannot edit any video without it turning green in the preview screen. So far, no results from support and I have not had any successful results posting here in the forums. This only occurs when I edit a video and save the project.

So let me sum up:

1. Numerous emails to support asking for help so my order shows up on their web site and being able to download the program for a lengthy period of time for which I paid them extra money.

2. They tell me the "link" they sent works. NOPE! It doesn't work with Firefox or IE. It doesn't work on a different computer with Firefox or IE. I really think they are just giving me a run-a-round so they don't have to troubleshoot their problems.

3. They refuse to address my questions about why my order doesn't show up on their web site.

4. All my mpeg files turn green in the preview screen once I have edited them. Once I save them as a project file, even if I reload the program, when I bring in the project, the screen turns green.

5. I have had the program for a full two months and have only put one of my home videos on DVD. I was able to do that because I did not edit the video.

6. So far, the score is: Digital River 76, Cyberlink 76, Support -120, and me 0.

I wonder if this is just a way to have me spend additional money for phone support? Anyway, I'm out the money and have lost space on my hard drive to a program which is failing completely for my needs. I think I would stay away from this program too. I am really disappointed because this program looks like it would be fantastic if it worked. Unfortunately, it doesn't and the support really fails.


No, the latest driver from HP didn't change anything.

Still the green screen. What I don't understand is if it is a graphic driver problem, why does it work at first and only not work when I drag the file to the timeline? I would think it would have a problem all the time if it were a graphic problem. I think it is something within PowerDirector. The mpeg file is okay when loaded into the media area (top left hand side of the PowerDirector screen). It shows up in the preview screen just fine.

The preview screen immediately turns green the very second I drag the file onto the timeline. This is not any fun at all! I appreciate everyone reading about my problem and hope someone can come up with a solution. Thanks, Roger
Thank you Tony. I checked and none of the drivers on the Intel site were appropriate for my laptop even though I have an Intel graphics chipset. I thought one of the drivers might be okay to install, but when I was installing it, I got a message saying it was not appropriate for my laptop. I then went to the HP site:

I downloaded and installed the updated driver I found there. I will have to see if that helps. I'll let everyone know if it changes anything. Thanks, Roger
It is very frustrating. I've had Power Director problems since I purchased it. I don't think I should have to reload PowerDirector 9.0 each time I want to use it. I can't tell anything about the video once it turns green. The video is okay if I just view the mpeg file using a different Windows program. The worst thing is that once the screen turns green I can't do anything to change it from green except exit the program, delete it from my computer, edit the registry, reload the program, reload the two updates, and restart. I can then view the video in the preview screen and write it to a disk. But if I try to trim the file or edit in any way, and save it, the next time I load the project, the screen turns green. I wish someone would reply with an answer.

I have written to support, but they have not been able to help with this issue.

I think someone else had this problem before in one of the forums, but I believe it was with an earlier version of PowerDirector. I don't think the issue was resolved and the gentleman responding suggested reloading the program after removing it. That seems to work until I use it again. I sure hope someone can help. The last time I reinstalled the program, as soon as I loaded the saved project, the preview screen turned green. Thanks for reading about my problem. Is there any additional information I need to upload to try and help troubleshoot this problem? Thanks!
Hello, I'm having problems with powerdirector9 ultra64 I am running Windows 7 Home Premium 64bit on an HP Pavilion dv6-2170us. I am attaching the dxdiag text file along with a jpeg showing the green screen problem I am having. I did a search for green screen, but did not find much information on the site

I start the program normally.
doubleclick powerdirector icon on main windows screen
powerdirector main screen opens
click on "file" on top left of screen
click on open project
select the pds project I am working on
highlight the video on the timeline by clicking on it
select multi trim
select in and out parts thoughout movie
click okay
now have several clips on the timeline
click on file (top left)
click on save project
close powerdirector

When I come back to the computer at a different
time, I start the program normally.
doubleclick powerdirector icon on main windows screen
powerdirector main screen opens
click on "file" on top left of screen
click on open project
select the pds project I am working on
highlight the video on the timeline by clicking on it
Video in preview screen immediately turns the color green. All
portions of the video remain green throughout the movie, no
matter which portion of the timeline I choose for the clip I
am working with.

If I click on the video in the media section (where the media is listed), the preview screen returns to normal. However, when I click anywhere on the timeline, just above the clip or within the clip, the preview screen turns green again. It is impossible to discern most of the clip since the preview screen looks as if I am wearing bright green glasses. I have attached a jpeg.

I have installed the program from my original download and ran the updated files (to get to the latest version). When I do this, the program works fine and the preview screen is normal. I can save the project and it is fine when I reload it. However, if I try to trim the video, and then save the project, the next time I load the project and click on the video clip or timeline, the preview screen turns green again.

I have reloaded the program 5 separate times now with the same result. I am not sure what is going on with the preview screen.

The green screen has also appeared after saving a pds file when I have just split a video clip. I have not tried to write the video to a disk to see if the resultant video would be "green" on a television or computer screen.

I hope I have provided enough information. If anyone needs any additional information, I'll be glad to add it.

Any help or ideas would be appreciated. Oh, before I reinstalled the program, I have followed the suggestion and even edited the registry to completely remove powerdirector. Thank you for any assistance. I really don't want to have to reload the program every time I want to use it.
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