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Quote: you must have 3D Vision/3DTV Play installed for any nvidia card to work.
Correction, 3D vision is unecessary, works without any 3D vision hardware, especially the emitter.
I just got PDVD10 Mark II to play Blu Ray 3D disks in 3D without nvidias 3D vision or 3DTV play. From a freshly installed win 7, I installed the nvidia CD 1.38 3D vision using express install, but never plugged in my nvidia emitter. I checked "enable stereoscopic 3D " in the control panel, and that's it. Upon launch, I choose "nvidia 3D vision monitor" as my display device. I had previously been able to play 3D discs only in 2D with a 9800GT. I swapped my nvidia 9800GT for a gt330, that's all.
display: Sony KDL-55hx800 3D ready TV, hdmi 1.4 inputs
cable: HDMI to DVI dual link converter cable
glasses: Sony active shutter glasses
GPU: nvidia GT330
CPU: Intel 17-920 2.66 Mhz
memory: 6GB
OS: windows 7 64 bit

Test discs were Avatar 3D and Polar Express 3D, plavback was full res and framerate, i.e. not checkerboard.
I just tested nvidia gt 330, plays Blu Ray 3D perfectly in full HDMI 1.4 with TV shutter glasses.
Quote: Thanks roller11. It looks like that this it is time to change my videocard...
Question is, what will you upgrade to? A gtx580 will work, but you don't want to spend $500 on a video card when a $100 card will work just as well. I'll be testing a $100 nvidia card that has a good chance of working. If you can hold off for a day or two, I'll advise you of the results.

Offcource i can wait. Thank you. Now im looking not expensive offer. What do you think about GTX 460...the cost is about 150 USD
Don't know, haven't tested it. However, you must have 3D Vision/3DTV Play installed for any nvidia card to work. I tested with my gtx580. If I disable 3DTV Play by unchecking "Enable strereoscopic 3D" , I can run only 2D.
Quote: Thanks roller11. It looks like that this it is time to change my videocard...
Question is, what will you upgrade to? A gtx580 will work, but you don't want to spend $500 on a video card when a $100 card will work just as well. I'll be testing a $100 nvidia card that has a good chance of working. If you can hold off for a day or two, I'll advise you of the results.
Quote: Hi,

so you want to output to an HDMI 1.4 TV without an HDMI compatible Graphics Adaptor?

No, I want to know if the 8600GT, or above, supports Blu Ray 3D. Does it or doesn't it? What's your answer?
Quote: looks strange...cause BD & 3D advisor passed all tests..
My display is a Sony KDL-55hx800, a "3D Ready HDTV hdmi 1.4" television. BD & 3D advisor says fail display, pass everything else. If I change my setup by only replacing my 9800GT with a gtx580, and nothing else, PDVD10 works perfectly, plays all 3D discs in 3D. This proves BD & 3D advisor is broken, worthless.
Quote: Hey where is the "Cyberlink" support?? Can anyone help me?
Im going to buy powerDVD for 3d what for should i pay if nothing works??
I have a 9800GT and have the same problem. pdvd10 M II launches, but won't play 3D. Forget about customer support. I reported the same thing as you and so-called tech support response was "read info on our website".
Quote: Hello,

I doubt that 9800GT is HDMI 1.4 compatible.

Whether it is or not, that isn't the issue. The issue is whether or not I meet the official requirements for Blu Ray 3D playback. Go to the 'requirements' tab under PDVD10. Scroll down to "System Requirements for Blu-ray 3D without Hardware Acceleration ". Under "Graphics Processor" any VGA card at or above 8600GT satisfies the requirement. The 9800GT is above the 8600GT, therefore Cyberlink is claiming the 9800GT will playback BluRay 3D. The 'without hardware acceleration" requirement is met because I'm using a CPU that is way above the minimum. Is the info on the Cyberlink site wrong?
Quote: Hi,
please post some more information - it makes it more easy to understand your issue.
Please describe the issue you face in very detail
Please also describe in detail what 3D environment you use.

For HW accel for BD-3D playback
Many oldVGA do not support decode of H.264 MVC (which is the BD-3D codec) in HArdware so CPU must take over this part, which needs powerful CPU.

My issue is that Blu Ray 3D discs play only in 2D, not play in 3D, using PowerDVD10 Mark II. I am meeting all requirements under the "requirements" section under "PowerDVD 10" info.

display: Sony KDL-55hx800 3D ready TV, hdmi 1.4 inputs
cable: HDMI 1.4
glasses: Sony active shutter glasses
GPU: nvidia 9800GT, hdmi 1.4 capable
CPU: Intel 17-920 2.66 Mhz
memory: 6GB
Blu Ray drive: LG GGC HL20 Blu Ray
OS: windows 7 64 bit
Test disc: Polar Express Blu Ray 3D (real 3D, not fake red/blue glasses so-called 3D), avatar Blu Ray 3D, Christmas carol Blu Ray 3D

If you go to noted 'requirements' page and 'hardware support page' you will see I meet all requirements for Blu Ray 3D without hardware acceleration.
What other info do you want?
Quote: Hello,

Hardware acceleration is a technology to use the GPU (the CPU of the Graphics Adaptor) to decode Video content.

For BD-3D a supported Adaptor is recommended because CPU may be not able to decode the stream in Software.

please post more information about your System:

this will help other users to jump in and help.

If I understand you, the 'with/without' HA is built into the GPU, it isn't anything you can control or switch on or off. Your GPU is either a without HA, or it's a with HA graphics card.
This leads to still another contradiction: The "System Requirements for Blu-ray 3D without Hardware Acceleration " section on the requirements page lists the nvidia 8600GT *or above* as a 'without hardware acceleration' so according to Cyberlink, all nvidia GPUs at or above 8600GT are without HA. But on the same page, the site declares all nvidia GPUs at or above GT 240 as 'with HA'. That means all GPUS at or above GT240 are, at the same time, both with and without HA. How do you resolve this direct contradiction?
display: sony kdl-55hx800 HDTV
graphics cards: nvidia 9800GT, gtx580
CPU: Intel i7-920
OS: windows 7 64 bit
app: PowerDVD mark II patched to 12/16/10
test apps: Avatar 3D, Polar Express 3D (real 3d, not red/cyan glasses), Cloudy Meatballs 3D, Christmas Carol 3D
Quote: Hi,

please help to check with BD-3D advisor and provide the log file here, thanks

The advisor is meaningless because I fail only the 'display' test yet I can play BRD 3D in full quailty 3D if and only if I use a nvidia gtx580 graphics card. So much for the BRD advisor, it doesn't work.
According to Cyberlink support, I don't need either Nvidia 3D vision nor Nvidia 3DTV Play to play BRD 3D in 3D mode assuming I meet all requirements listed under 'requirements' and 'hardware support' as long as I have a " •HDMI 1.4 enabled 3DTV ". This is in direct contradiction to the Michaels's post "Things you need to know for BD 3D playback in PDVD 10 ULTRA Mark II". where he lists meeting Nvidia's 3D vision requirements as a PDVD10 MarkII requirement. I'm tired of these contradictions, and just want Cyberlink to either resolve the contradictions, or admit their site has wrong information.
I am unable to play Blu Ray 3D disc in 3D even though I meet the requirements under the "requirements" tab . There are two requirements: with or without 'hardware acceleration". My nvidia 9800GT GPU meets 'without' HA and doesn't meet 'with' HA. What is hardware acceleration? Is it a setting in PDVD10? Is it built into a piece of the hardware? How do I operate without harware acceleration?
Quote: Hello,
please also check PowerDVD 10 ULTRA product page:

Under "3D Zone" it says
"What You Need to Get 3D at home?
To enjoy **BLU RAY 3D** and 3D movies or videos, consumers must upgrade their PC or their home theater system. There are several components that are needed: "

Scrolling down to "3D ready HDTV" it shows
display = "supported 3D ready TVs"
graphics card support = nvidia 8 series and 9 series

I'm using a Sony KDL-55HX800 which is a 3D ready HDTV and a nvidia 9800 GT along with the Sony shutter glasses. This combo is advertized to work specifically for Blu Ray 3D playback, it doesn't. I meeting all the other lesser requirements such as win 7, RAM, CPU.
Is Nvidia's 3D Vision required to play Blu Ray 3D discs in 3D using PowerDVD10 MarkII? If so, that increases the cost of PowerDVD by $179, the cost of the 3D vision emitter.
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