The work around doesn't work with the HDWriter software supplied with the SD9 camera as it has no title or transition options, only cut edits. Unfortunately the updated HDWriter software supplied with my HDC TM300 does not recognise SD9 files!! The updated software does have a few simple title & transition options - rather limited but does produce perfect output to AVCHD on DVD.
I have made some further tests and progress!
My usual aim is to produce a maximum of around 35 min "Original" quality output using AVCHD on DVD. My workflow would usually involve creating the content for each chapter separately and then saving each Chapter file to disk using Produce with SVRT and DD 5.1 enabled. Typically I would only have 3 to 12 chapters. I then create a new "Compile" project where I use the previously produced chapter files to setup my chapters, menu structure and then burn to DVD-RW for testing.
My latest test involved 5 raw clips, total duration 2min 38secs imported into pana HDWriter software. Added a title to the first clip (7 secs to render this) then saved the file in AVCHD format (only 16 secs to complete this, so no re-rendering taking place). This saved clip is compatible with SVRT in PD8 - solid yellow row, however, any of the original raw clips are solid red!
On adding a title and transition via PD8 and saving via Produce > H.264AVC, Default, AVCHD 1920x1080, PAL the file took only 48secs to save (SVRT and DD5.1 checked - 1 title + 1 transition to render). Output quality from this file seemed perfect!!!! I then added this file as a new chapter to my previously created project and burned another AVCHD DVD. The new chapter plays perfectly, but the original first chapter which I retained still has a pause & stutter problem after an inserted title (not transition as stated in my first post). I will do some further testing to investigate whether using the prior produce step fixes all problems, or to see if I can find another explanation.
It would be great if PD8 eventually recognises my raw panasonic files!
Windows 7, 64 bit, core i7, 12 MB RAM, ATI Radeon 4870 1GB
Panasonic HDC-TM300