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audio waveform not showing
Tonester [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Jan 28, 2022 13:19 Messages: 3 Offline
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I've been having a recent problem where sometimes in the editor, the video clips show the audio waveform and sometimes they do not. Editing audio using the waveform is something I need all the time.

I've searched on the topic and it seems this problem has been going on for years and I'm wondering if there's ever been a fix with Power Director and if so what.

I know there are many different cases, each specific to only that (my videos are phone footage imported into PD from my computer). Just like other features, an audio waveform should always show, 100% of the time. This is a very basic and needed feature of any editing software IMO.

The latest thing, and my specific question here is in my current edit, I've imported about 7 minutes of clips so far, all showing the waveform. Then, the next clip I add doesn't show it. I right click then click "regenerate waveform" and nothing happens. So I delete the clip and readd it. No waveform. I try importing another clip, no waveform on that one either and now, even the previous clips don't show a waveform.

I haven't tried closing PD and restarting, but IMO I shouldn't have to do that.

If it shows once, shouldn't it show all the time and why would it stop showing?

Any ideas?
PowerDirector Moderator [Avatar]
Senior Contributor Location: New Taipei City, Taiwan Joined: Oct 18, 2016 00:25 Messages: 2104 Offline
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Quote I've been having a recent problem where sometimes in the editor, the video clips show the audio waveform and sometimes they do not. Editing audio using the waveform is something I need all the time.

I've searched on the topic and it seems this problem has been going on for years and I'm wondering if there's ever been a fix with Power Director and if so what.

I know there are many different cases, each specific to only that (my videos are phone footage imported into PD from my computer). Just like other features, an audio waveform should always show, 100% of the time. This is a very basic and needed feature of any editing software IMO.

The latest thing, and my specific question here is in my current edit, I've imported about 7 minutes of clips so far, all showing the waveform. Then, the next clip I add doesn't show it. I right click then click "regenerate waveform" and nothing happens. So I delete the clip and readd it. No waveform. I try importing another clip, no waveform on that one either and now, even the previous clips don't show a waveform.

I haven't tried closing PD and restarting, but IMO I shouldn't have to do that.

If it shows once, shouldn't it show all the time and why would it stop showing?

Any ideas?


Let members know exactly what version of PDR you are using and does the issue still happen if you use the Regnerate Waveform option (highlight a clip, rt click, Regenerate Waveform)?

Also the type of clip may be important so the detailed specs of the clips may be useful. Use MediaInfo and attach the txt output.

PowerDirector Moderator

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Tonester [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Jan 28, 2022 13:19 Messages: 3 Offline
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Let members know exactly what version of PDR you are using and does the issue still happen if you use the Regnerate Waveform option (highlight a clip, rt click, Regenerate Waveform)?

Also the type of clip may be important so the detailed specs of the clips may be useful. Use MediaInfo and attach the txt output.

PowerDirector Moderator

I am using version 20 of PD and no, the issue does not resolve when I try the "regenerate waveform" option. When I click this nothing happens.

BTW, what about the clip do I need to know from the referenced Media Info?
Senior Contributor Location: California, USA Joined: Sep 16, 2011 16:04 Messages: 8630 Offline
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Here's a post with the instructions for using MediaInfo.

"Version 20" doesn't tell us much. Please share the full version number as described in the last item of the Read Me guide linked to in the above post.

Also, the older issue you'd read about on the forum was present up until a patch for PD17 was released. Please follow the steps in this post and see if they help you out now.
Yayo [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Jan 02, 2017 00:44 Messages: 10 Offline
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Sometimes it works, sometimes it does not work. No matter if we are in Windows or Mac. This problem has been for years. The linked post just try to give solutions but they do not solve anything.

If you really need the audioform working everytime then Power Director is not for you.

Btw I've seen the same issue since Power Director 15 and today I am on Power Director 365. 20.5.4103.0 (64-bit). If this problem is not fixed at the end of the subscription I am considering changing to a different software.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at May 10. 2022 21:44

Senior Contributor Location: California, USA Joined: Sep 16, 2011 16:04 Messages: 8630 Offline
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This issue was present for a long time, but it was mostly resolved back in PD17. I havent had any recurring issues since then, although there were a few related posts on the forum afterwards. CL issued a couple patches after users submitted an offical support request and supplied the problematic clips. You can do that here.

I'm not sure where that version number came from, but the current PD365 version is 20.4.2829.0 - SR (Software Release) VDE220314-12. It was released on May 3.

Yayo [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Jan 02, 2017 00:44 Messages: 10 Offline
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Is the MacOS version.

But as I said earlier, it happened to me on Windows too. Check attachment,
[Thumb - Screen Shot 2022-05-11 at 11.48.54 AM.png]
Screen Shot 2022-05-11 at 11.48.54 AM.png
55 Kbytes
13 time(s)
Senior Contributor Location: California, USA Joined: Sep 16, 2011 16:04 Messages: 8630 Offline
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I don't know how much code the Windows and Mac versions share, and like I said the best way to get this resolved would be to contact CL tech support and supply them with a sample clip that isn't showing a waveform.

Feel free to share it here (if you like) so other forum memners can test it on their systems.
PowerDirector Moderator [Avatar]
Senior Contributor Location: New Taipei City, Taiwan Joined: Oct 18, 2016 00:25 Messages: 2104 Offline
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Quote Is the MacOS version.

But as I said earlier, it happened to me on Windows too. Check attachment,


As we outlined above, please share more information about the video file this is happening with in your project (provide the details with MediaInfoOnline). If you could provide a sample file, that would also help.

Also, when does this occur? Does it happen as soon as you start a new project, or after you have been working on the project for a while?

What type of Mac are you using? Is it a Macbook Air, Pro, iMac, etc.

You should also sumbit this information to Cyberlink via the below link. Maybe they will have suggestions for you not yet shared here:

PowerDirector Moderator
Yayo [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Jan 02, 2017 00:44 Messages: 10 Offline
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This is one of the videos that will not show the wave form.

- Sometimes I create a new project and they work correctly all the time.
- Sometimes I create a new project and suddenly stop working
- Sometimes they just do not work at all, no matter delete cache, restart porwer director, restart computer, etc..

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at May 11. 2022 20:23

goconnor4 [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Oct 29, 2020 12:37 Messages: 2 Offline
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I am having the same issue with PD 18. I would like to update but I am unsure if its worth it. I hate to go about finding another program and trying to figure this out since i only make about 5-6 videos a year.

I have a thick waveform in A1 here with O Come O Come Emmanuel but with A2 the audio from the speaker, it is a solid line. I have tried deleting my waveforms cache and restarting. I have selected the "Show Waveforms" Any help would be appreciated.

Gary PD 18
[Thumb - no waveform 2.PNG]
no waveform 2.PNG
15 Kbytes
4 time(s)
[Thumb - no waveform.PNG]
no waveform.PNG
539 Kbytes
5 time(s)
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