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Default NTSC or PAL for batch production
Warry [Avatar]
Senior Contributor Location: The Netherlands Joined: Oct 13, 2014 11:42 Messages: 853 Offline
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Since long I have to change the default NTSC USA in the batch production to the (PAL) setting of my country. Each and every time I use batch production. I have asked CL to make the program remember either my settings or the settings I used last time, As does the manual production.
(Same for ColorDirector which even does not remember the manual production settings)
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Quote Since long I have to change the default NTSC USA in the batch production to the (PAL) setting of my country.

You don't need to do that, your country doesn't have PAL anymore. Neither does US have NTSC anymore.
Just saying.

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at Sep 24. 2021 14:08

Warry [Avatar]
Senior Contributor Location: The Netherlands Joined: Oct 13, 2014 11:42 Messages: 853 Offline
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Thanks for that SoNic67, of course you are right.

Some PAL features (and even videos) on disk do not work on NTSC vv.

I have still some DVD customers with a PAL system.
I will check and test whether PAL and NTSC settings in PD for production makes any difference. Testing... unless someone already the answers?
For now CL, my request to remember the setting used, stands!

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at May 09. 2023 13:29

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