Make sure that you have a drive letter mapped to your NAS. See this post and this long thread for reasons why.
The drive was mapped, that's not my issue. Anyway, I wonder how it would be possible to import folders or pictures from my NAS without a mapped drive. In order to receive more information of what's going on during the import, I opened the task manager and followed the details of PhD11 during the process. As long as the number of pictures to import is low, around 300, everything works fine. But beyond several 1000's it becomes so slow. (in a normal case, the network speed was around 10 to 20 MBits/s)
In order to get the pictures imported, I didn't import the folder, but as "Picture" in several bunches of pictures (200 at one time) from the folder. That tooks some time, but it was quicker than importing the complete folder.
Additionally, If I import the folder, then decide to avoid double pictures, the PhD11 had even more problems, time was running, but nothing happened. Again, in the task manager, the network speed dropped to 0,1 MBit/s and the PhD11 did a "not respond" on a regular basis.
For me it seems, that the database management has some problems when dealing with larger numbers of files via a mapped drive.
On the other side, importing folders with larger number of pictures (>4000) from my computer did not create problems.