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Strange picture distortion - Star Wars blu ray
II M0Z II [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Sep 28, 2011 19:49 Messages: 7 Offline
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Any news on a genuine fix yet? I am getting seriously ticked off with this now...

The removal of security updates is not what I would call a fix and looking at the forums still isn’t resolving the issue for everybody....

In addition downloading another player shouldn’t be a solution when we have paid good money for powerdvd... Intel Q8400 Quad-core CPU
ATI Radeon HD 4600 Series
4 GB Corsair Ram
Samsung HD103SJ Blu Ray drive
Asus P5KPL-AM iG31 Socket 775 onboard VGA 8 channel audio mATX Motherboard
Windows 7 64 Bit
HDMI connection to Samsung 42” HD Flat Panel
CyberLink-Michael [Avatar]
Senior Contributor Location: Europe Joined: Apr 18, 2007 04:05 Messages: 7418 Offline
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as stated before - the workaround is intended for those PowerDVD 10 and 11 users who won't wait for the patch.

The patch is in preparation and will be released once ready!

Michael Technical Support

Werde Facebook Fan
II M0Z II [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Sep 28, 2011 19:49 Messages: 7 Offline
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Thanks Michael. Intel Q8400 Quad-core CPU
ATI Radeon HD 4600 Series
4 GB Corsair Ram
Samsung HD103SJ Blu Ray drive
Asus P5KPL-AM iG31 Socket 775 onboard VGA 8 channel audio mATX Motherboard
Windows 7 64 Bit
HDMI connection to Samsung 42” HD Flat Panel
Newbie Location: Fort Worth, TX, United States Joined: Apr 05, 2011 21:38 Messages: 3 Offline
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Hi Michael:

Thanks for the work around link. I'm going to wait for the software patch, I'm not in that much of a hurry since I've got the blu-ray player in the living room. Also, I'd like to say thanks to your engineering team over there for listening and reacting to what's posted on this forum. Good to know you guys are "there".

The time it takes to actually fix an issue is a different matter altogether...but at least you guys are there and are listening which is more than I can say for other companies.
Jose Alfredo [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Nov 19, 2010 04:20 Messages: 2 Offline
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Hi, all I'm expiriencing the pixel problem but also my CA Internet Security Suite Plus 2010 register the BD of Star Wars as malware I already changed the boxed set on the store once still get the same message also with the original set i got to see the first movie but with the pixel problem saw part of second after that it stays in loading and in 91% load my PDVD 10 gets none responsive the loading stays in 99% I had issues with Avatar but all it got wax an update, I hope this helps don't know about the malware thing from my anti-virus, oh and the work around did not worked nothing still getting stuck at 99% although I can see the last 3 disk perfectly well gn.
Techusercent21 [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Sep 21, 2011 22:41 Messages: 2 Offline
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Finally was able to resolve the problem. Purchased a Panasonic Viera 32" LCD HDTV 1080p and Blu-Ray Player. Have no problems at all playing the new Star Wars Blu-Ray discs; they load without problem, and play without noticable artifacts.
II M0Z II [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Sep 28, 2011 19:49 Messages: 7 Offline
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Lol buying a new TV and Blu-Ray player is obviously one way round this issue but is hardly ideal… Intel Q8400 Quad-core CPU
ATI Radeon HD 4600 Series
4 GB Corsair Ram
Samsung HD103SJ Blu Ray drive
Asus P5KPL-AM iG31 Socket 775 onboard VGA 8 channel audio mATX Motherboard
Windows 7 64 Bit
HDMI connection to Samsung 42” HD Flat Panel
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More like a work around than a solution. The fact that we're still waiting for a resolution from cyberlink doesn't speak well of them either.
Manoroid [Avatar]
Member Joined: Apr 10, 2010 23:07 Messages: 143 Offline
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Alright guys enough with the bashing of cyberlink. Just to let you guys in that powerdvd is not the only software having a problem running star wars. The same things are happening on Arcsoft Totalmedia 5 player. I don't even think they've even found a work around for theirs ok. Leave these guys alone they are working on a patch. Its FOX company and their drm coding.
ike0576 [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Sep 02, 2011 21:41 Messages: 10 Offline
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I completely agree. The bashing of Cyberlink is too much. It's the DRM that is the problem.
Dorky McDork Dork [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Oct 08, 2011 06:21 Messages: 1 Offline
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I too am one of these people with this issue. I tried the work around and it didn't change anything. I made an exception on my anti-virus for all the PowerDVD11 executables. No luck. Same thing.

It's so dang annoying when everything works so well until the day you host an epic saga for several friends you intended to enjoy it with in it's greatest form yet, and it all goes sour because it turns out you get to watch it in it's worst form yet. Awesome! My friends are 3 times as likely to buy PowerDVD now! Right?

This isn't a condemnation of PowerDVD11 as much as it is to the folks who make this DRM. Next time an epic movie comes out I'll have to check the forums first to make sure it doesn't have any issues before buying it (or attempting to watch it). Seems absurd . . . but unless I buy a stand alone player that's where I feel I'm at unfortunately.
BaldEagle [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Jul 18, 2007 11:13 Messages: 12 Offline
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Quote: Alright guys enough with the bashing of cyberlink. Just to let you guys in that powerdvd is not the only software having a problem running star wars. The same things are happening on Arcsoft Totalmedia 5 player. I don't even think they've even found a work around for theirs ok. Leave these guys alone they are working on a patch. Its FOX company and their drm coding.

So why is it that everything plays so much better on standalone Blu-ray players but software-based players are always having some kind of playback problems? Shouldn't the Blu-ray standard be the same for everybody? What makes standalone players so much better than software-based players?

To me it just feels that CyberLink has implemented their version of the Blu-ray standard badly (more badly than Arcsoft).
Rushthezeppelin [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Oct 10, 2011 20:48 Messages: 5 Offline
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I just bought a blu ray player largely for the new BD Star Wars....only to find this horrid artifacting (also colors are very washed out in brighter scenes but I'm sure theres settings I can adjust to fix that). Didn't get any audio chop but trying to watch IV last night was just sad with the artifacting happening alot on the good fight scenes. As others have said the artifacting is random and can happen at any time stamp once and not at that one the next time. Also core 0 maxed out like the rest (except one time that I can't seem to reproduce where I got artifacting and when it stopped my core usage went down to 30-40%....I restarted the program before anymore artifacting happened though)

-Asus Blu-ray writer BW-12B1ST
-Asus Sabertooth 990fx mobo
-AMD 1100t Black Edition 3.3ghz hex core
-2 x Radeon HD6950s crossfired (catalyst 11.10 preview driver)
-3 x Acer 23" S231HL (monitor I'm viewing on is setup on HDMI to DVI converter)

Hopefully we see a fix for this soon as I don't want to ruin one of my favorite movie sagas anymore than it has already been.

I'm using the cyberlink 11 trial atm but it doesn't seem that matters as people with paid version are having exact same problems (the artifacting is mostly red for me and the spots that are affected seem to be repeating previous frames in the distortion)
abbeyboy91 [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Sep 17, 2011 20:19 Messages: 4 Offline
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Quote: I just bought a blu ray player largely for the new BD Star Wars....only to find this horrid artifacting (also colors are very washed out in brighter scenes but I'm sure theres settings I can adjust to fix that). Didn't get any audio chop but trying to watch IV last night was just sad with the artifacting happening alot on the good fight scenes. As others have said the artifacting is random and can happen at any time stamp once and not at that one the next time. Also core 0 maxed out like the rest (except one time that I can't seem to reproduce where I got artifacting and when it stopped my core usage went down to 30-40%....I restarted the program before anymore artifacting happened though)

-Asus Blu-ray writer BW-12B1ST
-Asus Sabertooth 990fx mobo
-AMD 1100t Black Edition 3.3ghz hex core
-2 x Radeon HD6950s crossfired (catalyst 11.10 preview driver)
-3 x Acer 23" S231HL (monitor I'm viewing on is setup on HDMI to DVI converter)

Hopefully we see a fix for this soon as I don't want to ruin one of my favorite movie sagas anymore than it has already been.

I'm using the cyberlink 11 trial atm but it doesn't seem that matters as people with paid version are having exact same problems (the artifacting is mostly red for me and the spots that are affected seem to be repeating previous frames in the distortion)

Hey man, I recommend going here in case you missed it:

It worked for me (with 10).
II M0Z II [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Sep 28, 2011 19:49 Messages: 7 Offline
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Quote: Hey man, I recommend going here in case you missed it:

It worked for me (with 10).

Again removing security updates is hardly a fix…

It has been a month now since this issue was first raised and still no genuine solution.

As others have commented, how does this issue not affect stand alone Blu ray players, surely they are less advanced than PC based players that can be updated with new software and codecs etc.

Having been led to believe that buying the premium version of powerdvd 11 would solve the issue I paid £54.00 on top of the cost of the Blu ray drive and the Blu ray box set and I still can’t watch these films.

I know this is partially down to the DRM used by 20th Century Fox etc. but again I don’t see this as an excuse as stand alone players are working fine…

If I had walked in a shop and bought a stand alone player that didn’t work I would have taken it back for a refund weeks ago, I think myself and others have been patient enough with regards this issue now.

Please fix this soon Cyberlink.
Intel Q8400 Quad-core CPU
ATI Radeon HD 4600 Series
4 GB Corsair Ram
Samsung HD103SJ Blu Ray drive
Asus P5KPL-AM iG31 Socket 775 onboard VGA 8 channel audio mATX Motherboard
Windows 7 64 Bit
HDMI connection to Samsung 42” HD Flat Panel
Rushthezeppelin [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Oct 10, 2011 20:48 Messages: 5 Offline
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From what I can tell the security update doesn't play nicely with the fox drm. Standalone players don't have security updates so obviously don't have this problem. This would be why every other blu ray program seems to have the exact same problem in win7. It's not the players fault it's windows (or fox's depending on your pov)....but ultimately it's up to the programmers of these players to find a way to bypass this security update which I'm sure is a pretty tricky undertaking (in case you don't know programming isn't easy and sometimes tracking down and fixing bugs can be a very long drawn out process for even the best programmers.....especially when dealing with a 30gig operating system).

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at Oct 12. 2011 19:38

Manoroid [Avatar]
Member Joined: Apr 10, 2010 23:07 Messages: 143 Offline
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Well done cyberlink thank you. Downloading now! Y^^Y
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I'm happy to report that the latest patch does indeed play the bd star wars titles without any distortion however single core usage is still high.
Megalun8 [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Oct 16, 2011 20:08 Messages: 2 Offline
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Ya patch worked but still 100% core0 usage and system temp (ie Northbridge on X58 Board) also very high
DC_Canuck [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Sep 22, 2011 20:28 Messages: 2 Offline
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I am still getting the core usage messages as well.
dmast123 [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Sep 20, 2011 14:55 Messages: 2 Offline
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I uninstalled the security update and downloaded the latest PDVD11 update, and still have problems. The picture breaks up periodically, sometimes right away, sometimes later in the playing of the movie. I have only tried it on Star Wars Blu Rays at this point. I have a Windows 7, Intel i5 2500k unlocked running at 3.3 ghz per core. I have an nvidea gtx 460 video card. 4 gB of ram as well. Should be enough player I would think.
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