Well, if you don't trust me it's OK, I provided them just to be easier for people that WANT to use newer nVidia drivers without losing hardware encoding.
I use other software on my PC (not only games) and most of the other manufacturers require "latest drivers".
Anyone can install the 337 drivers, search for the 3 files on their system and copy them in the mentioned location.
After that they can install any new drivers, nVidia won't touch the system folder.
And PD12 is finding them there, since is one of the default system folders.
Hi Sonic67,
I didn't mean to say you weren't trustworthy, as I said, it was very helpful
. I just know there are just a lot of people that wouldn't want to install unknown files from a random person on the intertubes. I'm sure there are a lot of people who will also check the files (run the MD5's for them, validate them, run them through virus scanners, etc) and there are many that will just download them, no problem. I was just offering an alternate route to the same destination is all, please don't feel offended in any way.
Your last paragraph is another way to the same place, too - thanks for sharing.
On another system, I actually used the 'copy the DLL's over' method, but using Library files that were put together by the makers of Bandicam, which allowed me to then utilize the latest videocard drivers, as you describe above. On this system, I just went with running the 337.88 drivers, which was just a notch easier, is all. As Dan said above, sometimes there are people that just want to have 'manufacturer-direct' sources [only] - and it was to those people I was addressing my post.
Thanks again though,
This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at Oct 04. 2014 17:02