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nVidia - "fixed" the hardware accelerated encoder
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We all know that nVidia decided to drop the CUDA encoder from their drivers, in favor of their newer hardware NVENC. I get it, they want people to buy the newer cards.
CL didn't updated their software (maybe quality is not there yet, since the NVENC is mainly developed for gaming), so updating to newer nVidia drivers means that PD loses the HA.

Below is fix/hack that works in PD12 and PD13 and allows use of the latest nVidia drivers plus the older CUDA encoding. Thanks to JL_JL (Jeff) for hints.

This is a link with the missing files and a "how to" txt:

Files are digitally signed by nVidia (May 2014), you can check the authenticity and the fact that are not tampered with:

This message was edited 17 times. Last update was at Oct 29. 2014 22:31

Kyle 40
Contributor Location: Cumbria Joined: Sep 06, 2013 14:14 Messages: 467 Offline
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Thanks SoNic67, files copied and put in place.

Just to make sure I've understood you correctly, this now means that I can download the latest Nvidia drivers and still have hardware acceleration?

Many thanks for your help in this mater

Cheers I just want to edit and make pictures, walk my dog and go fishing.
[Post New]
Well, I did it the other way - installed the new drivers and then copy the files. I think it will work anyway you do it.
Let me know if it worked...

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at Oct 02. 2014 11:09

[Post New]
where do I hav to copy these files? with PD 13 installed folder? can u please mention the path as well? PROHDGaming Subcribe @
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It's explained in the .txt file attached with the files.
Senior Member Location: Canada, eh Joined: Apr 08, 2014 05:35 Messages: 154 Offline
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If I may pop in, there may be many who do not want to 'download random files from someone they don't know and put them on their system', so if I may, there is another option:

Simply install the Official NVIDIA WHQL Drivers, version 337.88 from
That's it!
In that version, CUDA is still implemented and available, whether it is for Rendering in video editing applications or Recording in Screen Recording Programs or Game Recording Programs. You won't have to copy/install anything from anyone that isn't a manufacturer/company.

Don't get me wrong SoNic67, JL_JL and others, your offer of Libraries to copy and install is helpful (those Libraries are available elsewhere, too) - I am merely trying to help out others that may not want to download files they are unsure of. The simple installation ('roll-back') of those Drivers above, direct from NVIDIA's website, many people may be more comfortable with.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at Oct 04. 2014 09:34

Richmond Dan
Senior Contributor Location: Richmond, VA Joined: Aug 07, 2014 17:17 Messages: 673 Offline
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Troy from The GTAM Blog,

I agree. The people you mention are very knowledgeable regarding PD12, etc., but just as a standard precaution I only install modifications from the original software vendor. Then I have some recourse if something blows up.

I'm not cutting edge in any sense of the word, so having an older driver doesn't impair my amateurish little videos.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at Oct 04. 2014 15:34

Power Director 21-Ultimate
v 21.0.3111.0
XPS-8940, Win-10 64-bit,
Intel Core i9-10900 processor
(10 core, 20M Cache),
Kyle 40
Contributor Location: Cumbria Joined: Sep 06, 2013 14:14 Messages: 467 Offline
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Quote: Well, I did it the other way - installed the new drivers and then copy the files. I think it will work anyway you do it.
Let me know if it worked...

Hi SoNic67

I'm pleased to tell you that I've installed the .dll files as I mentioned earlier, updated my Nvidia driver to ver 344.11 and now PD12 works even with hardware acceleration!

Cheers I just want to edit and make pictures, walk my dog and go fishing.
[Post New]
Well, if you don't trust me it's OK, I provided them just to be easier for people that WANT to use newer nVidia drivers without losing hardware encoding.
I use other software on my PC (not only games) and most of the other manufacturers require "latest drivers".

Anyone can install the 337 drivers, search for the 3 files on their system and copy them in the mentioned location.
After that they can install any new drivers, nVidia won't touch the system folder.
And PD12 is finding them there, since is one of the default system folders.

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at Oct 04. 2014 16:35

Senior Member Location: Canada, eh Joined: Apr 08, 2014 05:35 Messages: 154 Offline
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Quote: Well, if you don't trust me it's OK, I provided them just to be easier for people that WANT to use newer nVidia drivers without losing hardware encoding.
I use other software on my PC (not only games) and most of the other manufacturers require "latest drivers".

Anyone can install the 337 drivers, search for the 3 files on their system and copy them in the mentioned location.
After that they can install any new drivers, nVidia won't touch the system folder.
And PD12 is finding them there, since is one of the default system folders.

Hi Sonic67,

I didn't mean to say you weren't trustworthy, as I said, it was very helpful . I just know there are just a lot of people that wouldn't want to install unknown files from a random person on the intertubes. I'm sure there are a lot of people who will also check the files (run the MD5's for them, validate them, run them through virus scanners, etc) and there are many that will just download them, no problem. I was just offering an alternate route to the same destination is all, please don't feel offended in any way.

Your last paragraph is another way to the same place, too - thanks for sharing.

On another system, I actually used the 'copy the DLL's over' method, but using Library files that were put together by the makers of Bandicam, which allowed me to then utilize the latest videocard drivers, as you describe above. On this system, I just went with running the 337.88 drivers, which was just a notch easier, is all. As Dan said above, sometimes there are people that just want to have 'manufacturer-direct' sources [only] - and it was to those people I was addressing my post.

Thanks again though,

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at Oct 04. 2014 17:02

[Post New]
Quote: Your last paragraph is another way to the same place, too - thanks for sharing.

I understand perfectly where you come from, that's why I offered the alternative.
I personally want to have the latest drivers in my PC, and what I described is how to "have the cake and eat it".

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at Oct 04. 2014 17:39

ghines [Avatar]
Newbie Location: Kariong, NSW, Australia Joined: Sep 19, 2014 18:18 Messages: 30 Offline
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@SoNic67. Cannot seem to post my reply. Getting an error message, so have attached the question in a TXT file. What you have to do.....


My question that gets blocked.
458 bytes
1499 time(s)
PowerDirector - Ultimate 12.0.3403.0, Win7 64-bit, Intel Core i7-2600 processor (3.4 GHz) 8M Cache, 8GB DDR3 RAM, 256MB Vertex 3 SSD, 500GB 7200 RPM SATA HDD 6.0 Gb/s, nVidia GeForce GT 750 Ti ( 344.48 ) 2GB GDDR5
[Post New]
Greg, you cannot post certain folder pathnames, there are filters in place on forum, that's why I did the txt too.
All you need is copy the three files in s y s t e m 3 2 . Windows will do the rest, this folder is a "central station" for all 32 and 64 bit common files.
nVidia drivers hid the files in those long-named folders and edit the registry to point to them, for ease of un-installation. We don't need to do that.
The 32 bit dll is not needed probably for 64 bit PD12, but I left it there for other eventual 32 bit programs.

This message was edited 4 times. Last update was at Oct 05. 2014 09:44

ghines [Avatar]
Newbie Location: Kariong, NSW, Australia Joined: Sep 19, 2014 18:18 Messages: 30 Offline
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@SoNic67 - Thanks.

BTW - Why would CL want to block these paths? Surely it is in CL's interest to have their users use the latest drivers.


This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at Oct 05. 2014 17:27

PowerDirector - Ultimate 12.0.3403.0, Win7 64-bit, Intel Core i7-2600 processor (3.4 GHz) 8M Cache, 8GB DDR3 RAM, 256MB Vertex 3 SSD, 500GB 7200 RPM SATA HDD 6.0 Gb/s, nVidia GeForce GT 750 Ti ( 344.48 ) 2GB GDDR5
Senior Member Location: Canada, eh Joined: Apr 08, 2014 05:35 Messages: 154 Offline
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BTW - Why would CL want to block these paths? Surely it is in CL's interest to have their users use the latest drivers.

If I may pop in on this query, those directories/folders (and a few others) are very important to the operation of Windows and making mistakes in there can cause Windows to malfunction easily, which can be harmful to a user or even a company. Thus, I assume that they are just protecting against people that may wish to be malicious (telling them to "just delete things in there", etc) and/or protecting themselves (CL) against possible mistakes that could be made and cause additional problems.
[Post New]
Surely it is in CL's interest to have their users use the latest drivers.

Their interest is to sell you the next gen cards. Tesla and Fermi generation relied on CUDA to do the encoding - those three dll files.
Kepler and now Maxwell have a hardware block to do that. Frees the CUDA cores, so nVidia decided to eliminate the CUDA encoder, to force the adoption of the newer NVENC.
That makes the Tesla, Fermi gen cards obsolete and force manufacturers to use the newer encoder. Problem is that encoder is games oriented, not video quality.

I see no problem of using it from now on with the newer drivers on. Putting those dll files in that folder doesn't affect in any shape or form the OS, many other programs put stuff in there. Is just a location that PD (and other programs) will search automatically for any missing files.

This message was edited 3 times. Last update was at Oct 05. 2014 20:28

ghines [Avatar]
Newbie Location: Kariong, NSW, Australia Joined: Sep 19, 2014 18:18 Messages: 30 Offline
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Surely it is in CL's interest to have their users use the latest drivers.

Their interest is to sell you the next gen cards. Tesla and Fermi generation relied on CUDA to do the encoding - those three dll files.
Kepler and now Maxwell have a hardware block to do that. Frees the CUDA cores, so nVidia decided to eliminate the CUDA encoder, to force the adoption of the newer NVENC.
That makes the Tesla, Fermi gen cards obsolete and force manufacturers to use the newer encoder. Problem is that encoder is games oriented, not video quality.

I see no problem of using it from now on with the newer drivers on. Putting those dll files in that folder doesn't affect in any shape or form the OS, many other programs put stuff in there. Is just a location that PD (and other programs) will search automatically for any missing files.

My graphics/video card is a GT750 Ti which I believe is NVENC(Maxwell) based. So why does not the H264 encoding work without your fix? Sorry for the noob question...

Greg PowerDirector - Ultimate 12.0.3403.0, Win7 64-bit, Intel Core i7-2600 processor (3.4 GHz) 8M Cache, 8GB DDR3 RAM, 256MB Vertex 3 SSD, 500GB 7200 RPM SATA HDD 6.0 Gb/s, nVidia GeForce GT 750 Ti ( 344.48 ) 2GB GDDR5
[Post New]
Because PD12 doesn't "know" how to use it. And it seems that either PD13 (based on their spec page statement). It would require new code in programs, like their MediaEspresso 6.5.
Note that in the latest MediaEspresso 7 we have the same warning about nVidia drivers, that makes me think that CL removed the NVENC support for technical reasons (quality?).,3161-16.html

The hardware encoder has a limited number of formats that can work, made mainly for gaming/shield shadowing. And it cannot be "improved" later like a CUDA-based .dll could.
Also, for all GeForce hardware and some low-end Quadro hardware, the number of simultaneous encoding sessions is limited to 2.


This message was edited 12 times. Last update was at Oct 06. 2014 06:38

ghines [Avatar]
Newbie Location: Kariong, NSW, Australia Joined: Sep 19, 2014 18:18 Messages: 30 Offline
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Quote: Because PD12 doesn't "know" how to use it. And it seems that either PD13 (based on their spec page statement). It would require new code in programs, like their MediaEspresso 6.5.
Note that in the latest MediaEspresso 7 we have the same warning about nVidia drivers, that makes me think that CL removed the NVENC support for technical reasons (quality?).,3161-16.html

The hardware encoder has a limited number of formats that can work, made mainly for gaming/shield shadowing. And it cannot be "improved" later like a CUDA-based .dll could.
Also, for all GeForce hardware and some low-end Quadro hardware, the number of simultaneous encoding sessions is limited to 2.


Thanks for the detailed response, it's much appreciated.

Greg PowerDirector - Ultimate 12.0.3403.0, Win7 64-bit, Intel Core i7-2600 processor (3.4 GHz) 8M Cache, 8GB DDR3 RAM, 256MB Vertex 3 SSD, 500GB 7200 RPM SATA HDD 6.0 Gb/s, nVidia GeForce GT 750 Ti ( 344.48 ) 2GB GDDR5
[Post New]
I noticed in my system that installing newer versions of drivers will erase the "nvcuvenc . dll" file from the system location, so I need to re-copy it in order to have HA active again.

In other order, I just installed a Quadro 6000 in place of my previous Quadro 2000 and I noticed that now the MP4 encoding is HA too (and it works), whil ebefore it was active only for AVC and MKV.
Of course, the HA in PD12 works only up to 1920x1080, not for 2K or 4K formats.
I am not sure if others have the same experience or is a just fluke.

[Thumb - AVC.PNG]
47 Kbytes
329 time(s)
[Thumb - MP4.PNG]
53 Kbytes
9519 time(s)

This message was edited 5 times. Last update was at Oct 07. 2014 19:24

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