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Cyberlink and Customer Support.....
Rayj2011 [Avatar]
Member Joined: Jul 29, 2008 12:37 Messages: 65 Offline
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I really don't like mixing my political and social views on this type of media, but I feel I must....

I was disappointed to see that Cyberlink outsources their customer support to India!!

I know there are qualified people here that could do the job, as well as need the job. I might add they would do the job better!

I encourage Cyberlink to reconsider who is doing their customer support.

It is things like this that can swing a prospective buyer of a Cyberlink product to a competitor product..... I have been know to choose other vendors when I find out their loyalty is not with the U.S. citizen.....

Sometimes the bottom line is not the correct thing to be worrying about.....

As I am in the demo evaluation stage of PD 7....I curiously will wait Cyberlinks response.....

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at Aug 01. 2008 18:08

Newbie Location: Australia Joined: Jul 22, 2008 23:33 Messages: 20 Offline
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This could explain why Cyberlink Help with PD7 is totally unable to comprehend my explanations of why importing large media files crashes PD7.
I realise now that they haven't been able to understand my explanations even when I have listed them step by step and done everything else suggested in these forum pages to make it easy for them.
And when they asked me to FTP a copy of the file I am having difficulty with, 6.0GB of a DVR-MS file I thought they had some magical technological way of getting it relatively quickly !! They stopped the ftp transmission after 69 hours! My suggestion that they import a large file of a TV show recorded by themselves to try out my crashing problem seems to have fallen on deaf ears.
I totally agree, outsourcing to a foreign country is a bad thing and gets the thumbs down from me every time and I thought I was dealing with someone in the US.
We can at least understand and appreciate our Welsh forum moderator's words of wisdom.
Senior Member Location: N Attleboro, MA Joined: Jul 13, 2006 19:57 Messages: 295 Offline
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I believe Cyberlink is from Taiwan, not sure. However, these days, I think any country even slightly WEST-friendly, is an acceptable business partner. That being said, this post will most likely be deleted, Cyberlink is a great piece of software.

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at Aug 01. 2008 18:29

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Rayj2011 [Avatar]
Member Joined: Jul 29, 2008 12:37 Messages: 65 Offline
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Well, if Cyberlink is not a U.S. company....then please disregard my post.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at Aug 01. 2008 19:03

Rayj2011 [Avatar]
Member Joined: Jul 29, 2008 12:37 Messages: 65 Offline
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Wow...I checked the Contact information on the site and yes, it is a Taiwan company.

The website sure looks American though....

Cyberlink should consider outsourcing their support to the U.S.A.!!!
Dafydd B [Avatar]
Senior Contributor Joined: Aug 26, 2006 08:20 Messages: 11973 Offline
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Ray, I'm disappointed with your approach. The US isn't the centre of the world and there are other countries that use and supply software. CyberLink does have a base in the States and in Germany.

The out-sourcing of support to the Indian sub-continent is a feature used by numerous companies (US companies included) and can be quite irritating at times*. This irritation would also be felt if you rang a nin-com-poop in the States who didn't understand video editing and just worked in a call-centre! So don't rant about location, just rant about the lack of knowledge or the poor comprehension. The world is a very poor place if you take swipes at countries and generalise about that country when it's one individual delivering badly.

*I get cheesed off with different companies on the same issue. A WORLD selling company can not be expected to have a call center in every country.

I know the staff in Taiwan through communicating with them by email - I understand their short-comings on diction and having to use English as the means to communicate with those in the States and elsewhere in the WORLD. Heck they do darn well.

I try to ensure the forum runs smoothly - I cant always get it right. I pushed for the forum's creation, I suggest product changes, I refer feedback from end users, I complain on behalf of others, I TRAIN end users to deliver information in an understandable format, I gather and give data to end users, I moderate on this forum. I'm an independant bloody minded video editor who wont truck silliness but enjoys a smile and a laugh. I expect others to learn from their mistakes and to learn from others experiences. I encourage partcipation. I don't want to "hold hands" or be expected to teach how to use a PC. I expect users to experiment AND to use common sense.

I wont delete this thread - but I am disappointed.


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This message was edited 3 times. Last update was at Aug 02. 2008 04:46

Rayj2011 [Avatar]
Member Joined: Jul 29, 2008 12:37 Messages: 65 Offline
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Well, I'm sorry to disappoint you, but I have been a victim of a sort of outsourcing in the past. I was laid off a job, only to be replaced by a foreigner with an H-1B visa.

When it comes to employment in the technology sector here in the U.S., I have problems when the company hires outside rather then in.

I will end this subject and keep to questions about video editing and PD.


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