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PD6 Magic Motion issue on playback, 25% of the image takes up the full screen.
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I have recently upgraded to PD6. I have also used PD4 and PD5.

I have a 30 minute movie put together with all still images. I have found
that once I apply magic motion to a series of images, and if I edit an image after MM is applied, that all images after that spot will be magnified on playback. This rusults in about 25% of the image occupying the full screen. You can't see the remaining 75%

This happens both in the preview window and the final produced DVD.

Help! Land of fieros, North Dakota USA
Dafydd B [Avatar]
Senior Contributor Joined: Aug 26, 2006 08:20 Messages: 11973 Offline
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PD6 final build is 2319.

Please check what you have:
Subject: PowerDirector - information we request and tasks to carry out.

Upgrade to the latest build of your version of PowerDirector.
After checking the Help/About in PD go visit:

That might resolve your issue.

[Post New]
I do have the latest build 6.00.2319

I have also found that I can remove the magic motions on all the images, then put it back on and it's ok. But once you save your work, close pd6 then come back to it later, it does it again.

I will do a complete uninstall, remove all PD versions an re-install download the patch again.

Thanks for the heads up.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at Jun 18. 2008 16:42

Land of fieros, North Dakota USA
[Post New]
This is interesting. I just opened the file and this time everything worked with the MM as it should. So it must have something to do with saving and opening. Sometimes when opening the MM is flawed, but this last time I opened it, all was well? Land of fieros, North Dakota USA
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