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Power DVD 12 - Audio Synch issues
CTShooter [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Oct 05, 2011 22:11 Messages: 5 Offline
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I currently use Windows Media Center (With Windows Media Browser) on my home theater. I upgraded to PowerDVD 12 BD and now whenever I watch a Blu-Ray backup (.iso File) the audio is always out of synch from the video. It is not a hardware issue as the Home Theater PC is only a few months old and was built around running blu-rays and other media.

Any Ideas on where I can look to resolve this issue?

I run My PC to my receiver via HDMI and then HDMI from rec to my projector....there used to be something that would pop up on older version about automaticly snyching audio but I do not get that now and cannot find an option for it.


This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at Jul 17. 2013 14:14

CyberLink-Michael [Avatar]
Senior Contributor Location: Europe Joined: Apr 18, 2007 04:05 Messages: 7418 Offline
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- can you check with legal BD (real disc) if the out of sync issue is also present then?
- does the offset always happens or just specific ISO?
- you may need to adjust audio gap/delay in your Amp's settings / menu

Please also check the "must have read" thread for the PowerDVD 12 Forum

the option you are referring to is to sync display refresh rate with content refresh rate.

In PowerDVD 13 we added audio delay feature for those environments that use amplifier without audio delay option.


This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at Jul 18. 2013 03:12

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Werde Facebook Fan
CTShooter [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Oct 05, 2011 22:11 Messages: 5 Offline
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All my Blu-Rays are 'legal' but no the problem does not exist with a disc playback - only the backups on my harddrive that are .iso files.

Where is that synch rate refresh option...I cannot find it in any of the settings on PowerDVD and it no longer is an option through Media Browser in the settings.
jimmyjhd [Avatar]
Member Joined: Apr 27, 2013 12:52 Messages: 63 Offline
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I searched for this too but found no luck so far. I think that option is only available in later versions?
Cap'n Kevin
Senior Contributor Location: Chebeague Island, Maine Joined: Dec 26, 2008 20:22 Messages: 2011 Offline
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As Cyberlink Michael pointed out, there is an audio sync delay control using PowerDVD 13. (see screenshot) I wasn't able to find any adjustments in PowerDVD 12.

[Thumb - PowerDVD 13.PNG]
PowerDVD 13.PNG
223 Kbytes
342 time(s)

This message was edited 3 times. Last update was at Jul 21. 2013 09:20

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Brolga [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Nov 11, 2013 05:40 Messages: 19 Offline
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I have a Windows Media PC with PowerDVD 12 Ultra and have an audio delay problem. It have is not going to be solved by a fixed delay offset because it is one of gradual slippage, ie.e it starts out fine then gradually gets worse. Allowing PowerDVD to sync display refresh rate with content refresh rate does not fix it.

I was using Slysoft's ReClock to fix this until I bought a recent BluRay which required me to take PowerDVD patch v2625, now ReClock and PowerDVD are incompatible.

What I'd really like is to set up PowerDVD to properly synchronise audio and video regardless of the output channel. NB: audio goes direct to the PC speakers (5.1) and video goes to the monitor (HDMI)

Any suggestions?

M8R [Avatar]
Member Joined: Dec 31, 2010 18:41 Messages: 89 Offline
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Hi Brolga!

Just to make sure: you did reinstall ReClock after patching PowerDVD as it is required?
If so, what do you mean by incompatible? No sound?
Brolga [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Nov 11, 2013 05:40 Messages: 19 Offline
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Hi M8R,

Yes, I did reinstall ReClock after updating PowerDVD. I've tried a few rounds of complete uninstall of both PowerDVD and ReClock followed by a reinstall & patch of PowerDVD _then_ reinstall of ReClock.

The incompatibility is well documented in the ReClock forums, e.g. The upshot is no sound at all when using ReClock with PowerDVD. Audio returns when using just PowerDVD on it's own - ReClock can remain installed - of course, then the out of synch issue returns.


This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at Nov 11. 2013 09:40

Brolga [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Nov 11, 2013 05:40 Messages: 19 Offline
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Brolga [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Nov 11, 2013 05:40 Messages: 19 Offline
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Any tips or suggestions on how to get PowerDVD 12 to maintain video & audio synchronisation?
Brolga [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Nov 11, 2013 05:40 Messages: 19 Offline
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bump, anybody out there...?
Brolga [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Nov 11, 2013 05:40 Messages: 19 Offline
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Okay looks like this must be either a trivial problem or super tricky since no-one other than M8R has offered any suggestion.

I raised this with the folks at CyberLink Customer Support in early December 2013 and, to help this forum along, I'll post the interactions here along with any useful files Customer Support request. Hope someone finds it useful.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at Jan 08. 2014 21:29

Brolga [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Nov 11, 2013 05:40 Messages: 19 Offline
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2013/12/03 17:37

What fix is available to keep video and audio synchronised when playing BluRay movies?

Before anyone leaps to an incorrect solution: this is NOT a fixed offset of audio / video. It is a gradual slippage that starts at zero and increases over time. So the fixed offset available in v13 is unlikely to correct this.

Audio and video start out synchronised during playback of BluRay disks then gradually drift apart. The work around is to mouse click the slider bar (movie playback position) which re-synchronises them. They then starts drifting apart again. This work around is super cludgy and the whole thing gives a _really_ _bad_ playback experience.

I had been using a 3rd party product as an adjunct to PowerDVD to keep them synchronised (ReClock), however, this is incompatible with the latest patch for v12.

Given that ReClock is just software and it can keep these synchronised when using PowerDVD then your software should be able to be fixed to do this.

Obviously I'm using a PC for playback; video goes to HDMI via a graphics card; audio goes to 5.1 speakers via the motherboard.

I believe the fixed delay option in v13 to be unsuitable for this issue because the slippage is gradual.

ReClock is free and fixed the problem with the base version 12. Version 12 cost me money so I'd like you to fix your software - at the moment it is not fit for purpose.

What options are available?

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at Jan 08. 2014 21:26

Brolga [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Nov 11, 2013 05:40 Messages: 19 Offline
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Customer Support Response
2013/12/04 01:58

Thank you for contacting CyberLink Technical Support.

I understand your concern that you are getting a video and audio synchronization in PowerDVD 12 software.

In regrads to your concern, please ensure that, you are using latest Display card and Sound card driver's. You may contact your Display card and Sound card manufacturer or the computer manufacturer to get the latest drivers.

If issue persists, please provide me the following information given below :

1. SR_Number. Please follow the link below to get the steps to get the SR_number:

2. DxDiag.txt log file. Please follow the link below to get the steps to generate the log file:

3. Send me the Screenshot of Error Message.

To take a screen shot, please press Print Screen key on your keyboard when this error comes. Then go to Start>programs>Accessories>Paint. Paste the screen capture there by pressing Ctrl+V or alt+Edit+Paste. Save the file and send to me for analysis.

4. The invoice copy of the purchased software.

After getting the above information, I will be glad to assist you.

Use the below mentioned link to get back to us for your further queries:

Please feel free to contact us back for any further clarification or for any assistance related to CyberLink Products.

Thanks and Regards,

CyberLink Technical Support
Brolga [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Nov 11, 2013 05:40 Messages: 19 Offline
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2013/12/04 21:12

Hi Megha,

Here is the information you requested:

1. SR Number
DVDxxxxxx-xx (DVDxxxxxx-xx)

2. DxDiag
Attached are the ordinary and 64 bit versions of the report file.

3. Screen Shot of Error Message
There isn't an error message, PowerDVD doesn't capture any error. The problem is that the audio and video are out of synchronsiation.

4. Invoice from purchase

DxDiag output
32 Kbytes
504 time(s)
DxDiag 64bit.txt
DxDiag 64-bit output
43 Kbytes
458 time(s)
Brolga [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Nov 11, 2013 05:40 Messages: 19 Offline
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Customer Support Response
2013/12/05 18:11

Thank you for writing back.

In regard to your issue, I would like to inform you that this issue is mainly because of an older or incompatible driver. Please follow the steps given below to resolve this issue:

1. Update the Graphics card, Sound card drivers and the firmware of the BD player of your computer to the latest one. Please contact your computer manufacturer to get the updates or visit the card manufacturers websites.

2. Reset your display settings, screen area to 1024*768, color depth to 16 bit and monitor refresh rate to 60 HZ.

3. To avoid any compatibility issues, please close all other software and utility applications including virus scans, screen saver and instant messaging software before you launch PowerDirector.

4. Empty the contents of the C:\Windows\temp folder and C:\temp folder, if you have one. Then empty Recycle Bin.

5. Go to Edit then preferences. Select the hardware acceleration and uncheck the "enable hardware decoding" option.

6. Please Start Windows in Selective Startup mode.

1. Click on Start.
2. Click on Run.
3. Type msconfig and click on OK.
4. A System Configuration Utility window will come up.
5. On General tab, select Selective Startup.
6. Uncheck "Load Startup Items".
7. Click on Apply.
8. Click on OK.
9. Click on Close.
10. It will ask you to restart your computer.

Restart the system for the change to take effect.

If issue persists, please let me know.

Use the below mentioned link to get back to us for your further queries:

Please feel free to contact us back for any further clarification or for any assistance related to CyberLink Products.

Thanks and Regards,

CyberLink Technical Support
Brolga [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Nov 11, 2013 05:40 Messages: 19 Offline
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2013/12/07 22:41

Hi Megha,

I have done as you asked and am still having problems with 3D movies. The one I'm using for testing is Avatar. All 3 drivers (graphics, audio and optical drive) have now been updated and 2D appears to be resolved, although only time will tell - by this I mean further testing will be necessary to confirm there are no more issues.

Any further suggestions? NB: my CPU is an Intel i5 3570K, 3.4 GHz with 6 MB cache; there is plenty of good RAM with 8 GB of DDR3 running at 1600 MHz. Looking at the system usage there's plenty of capacity in both CPU and RAM whilst PowerDVD is running.

Whilst i did as you asked, the performance was no different from 1920 x 1080, 32 bit colour. I already operate a selective list within msconfig.exe so I didn't expect any change in that.

I have to say that, if this had solved the issue it would only be a workaround because the whole point of having PowerDVD is for Blu-Ray which operates at 8-bits colour per channel, i.e. 24 bit total, AND resolution at 1920x1080. The level you asked me to try is suitable for DVDs and is sub-standard for Blu-Ray.

What's next?

Brolga [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Nov 11, 2013 05:40 Messages: 19 Offline
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Customer Support Response
2013/12/13 13:12

Thank you for writing back.

I appreciate you taking the time to write to us, as your satisfaction with our products and customer service is very important to us.

I really appreciate your feedback! We work hard to ensure success and like to hear when our valued customers have enjoyed using our products.

It is our constant endeavor to ensure that every interaction of our user is a delightful experience. If you have any queries pertaining to any CyberLink products, please feel free to write to us. We would be more than glad to assist you with your queries.

I would also like to inform you that I have checked the the system log file and found that your graphics card drivers were latest updated on 3/19/2012.You may contact your Display card and Sound card manufacturer or the computer manufacturer to get the latest drivers.

If issue persists, please let me know.

Please feel free to contact us back for any further clarification or for any assistance related to CyberLink Products. Use the below mentioned link to get back to us for your further queries:

Thanks and Regards,

CyberLink Technical Support
Brolga [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Nov 11, 2013 05:40 Messages: 19 Offline
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2013/12/14 15:40

Hi Megha,

As per my last message, all 3 drivers (graphics, audio and optical drive) have now been updated. What I didn't do last time was attach updated DxDiag outputs - these are attached now (base and 64bit versions).

So, everything from my last email still applies, repeated below for your convenience.

I have done as you asked and am still having problems with 3D movies. The one I'm using for testing is Avatar. All 3 drivers (graphics, audio and optical drive) have now been updated and 2D appears to be resolved, although only time will tell - by this I mean further testing will be necessary to confirm there are no more issues.

Any further suggestions? NB: my CPU is an Intel i5 3570K, 3.4 GHz with 6 MB cache; there is plenty of good RAM with 8 GB of DDR3 running at 1600 MHz. Looking at the system usage there's plenty of capacity in both CPU and RAM whilst PowerDVD is running.

Whilst i did as you asked, the performance was no different from 1920 x 1080, 32 bit colour. I already operate a selective list within msconfig.exe so I didn't expect any change in that.

I have to say that, if this had solved the issue it would only be a workaround because the whole point of having PowerDVD is for Blu-Ray which operates at 8-bits colour per channel, i.e. 24 bit total, AND resolution at 1920x1080. The level you asked me to try is suitable for DVDs and is sub-standard for Blu-Ray.

What's next?

DxDiag 64bit.txt
DxDiag 64-bit output
54 Kbytes
545 time(s)
DxDiag output
32 Kbytes
441 time(s)
Brolga [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Nov 11, 2013 05:40 Messages: 19 Offline
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Customer Support Response
2013/12/26 03:55

Thank you for writing back.

In regards to your issue, please downloaded the latest patch (Updates PowerDVD 12 to build 3519) released on date 2013-12-11 and let us know the result:

Please find below the link for patch update:

If still the same issue persists, please provide us with below information more which we require to resolve your issue:

1. Screenshot of the About window. Follow the below steps for same:

Start the CyberLink PowerDVD software--> Click on product name logo (Right or Left hand side top)--> Take the screenshot of About window

To take a screen shot, please press "Print Screen" key on your keyboard when this error comes. Then Click the Start (Left hand side bottom of your Computer screen)--->Programs--->Accessories--->Paint. Paste the screen capture there by pressing Ctrl+V or Alt+Edit+Paste. Save the file and send to me for analysis

2. Please let me know, if the same issue come only with Avatar 3D Title or all and the name of 3D Titles you have tried so far

3. I would request you to go to the below mentioned link and send me the results for 3D/ BD adviser.

Once the Adviser finishes the system diagnosis, Click on the Save button. Save the file and send that to us for analysis.

You can send us the above files as an attachment using the following link:

Please feel free to contact us back for any further clarification or for any assistance related to CyberLink Products.

Thanks and Regards,

CyberLink Technical Support
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