My laptop:
Core 2 duo T9400 2.54Ghz
4 Gb Ram
Mobility Radeon 3650 512mb ram
Windows 8 Pro x 64 RTM also the same problem with windows 7 x64
I use the program fraps to see the fps.
I formated the pc a lot of times since the release of powerdvd 12 and always the same as I say with powerdvd 11 no problem.
Latest drivers and latest versions of all.
One important thing: With powerdvd 12 and no hardware aceleration I have no slowdowns but cpu is at 100% all time.
I think its a problem of this hardware aceleration with my mobility radeon 3650.
FPS is 19-20 instead of 24 this explain the slowdowns so maybe it´s a fps detection problem?
Another problem is that I can´t play blurays since I have installed windows 8. It says it can´t play protected content!
Please fix all this bugs!