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detroit123 [Avatar]
Senior Member Joined: Dec 20, 2011 14:58 Messages: 194 Offline
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where is the snapshot option in CD 7 ?

I don't see it . in PD 18 you just right click and there is the option
Senior Contributor Location: California, USA Joined: Sep 16, 2011 16:04 Messages: 8630 Offline
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Use Alt + Print Screen or the Windows snipping tool (Win + Shift + S) then save the clipboard image as JPG or PNG.

detroit123 [Avatar]
Senior Member Joined: Dec 20, 2011 14:58 Messages: 194 Offline
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Here is the CD7 pic, it looks accurate no grading yet
[Thumb - Screenshot (543)-1 - Copy.jpg]
Screenshot (543)-1 - Copy.jpg
1343 Kbytes
88 time(s)
Senior Contributor Location: California, USA Joined: Sep 16, 2011 16:04 Messages: 8630 Offline
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Ok. That looks the same to me as the Windows Media Player view in my multi-app screenshot. The colors in both CD9 and PD19 are too vibrant.

Now color grade the clip in CD7 then import it into PD18. Take screenshots of each so we can see exactly what you're seeing.
detroit123 [Avatar]
Senior Member Joined: Dec 20, 2011 14:58 Messages: 194 Offline
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If I put the clip in CD 7 whether I grade it or do nothing, if I export to PD18 it ruins it

I already tried that

If I use CD 7 to grade it and convert it to another 4K file, that file can import into PD18 but then that file is no longer 10bit HDR either
Senior Contributor Location: California, USA Joined: Sep 16, 2011 16:04 Messages: 8630 Offline
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Quote If I put the clip in CD 7 whether I grade it or do nothing, if I export to PD18 it ruins it

I already tried that

If I use CD 7 to grade it and convert it to another 4K file, that file can import into PD18 but then that file is no longer 10bit HDR either

Yes, I understand all that. However, nobody on the forum has any idea what "ruined" looks like and it will help us and Cyberlink tech support see the depth of the issue once the complaint is forwarded to them.

I believe that sharing both of the requested images is the best thing you can do to get this issue resolved.
detroit123 [Avatar]
Senior Member Joined: Dec 20, 2011 14:58 Messages: 194 Offline
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Here is the pic of CD7 graded on the left and then inputted into PD18 on the right
[Thumb - CD 7 to PD 18 - Copy.png]
CD 7 to PD 18 - Copy.png
13720 Kbytes
71 time(s)
Senior Contributor Location: California, USA Joined: Sep 16, 2011 16:04 Messages: 8630 Offline
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Thanks for the side-by side. I guess you and I have different ideas of what ruined means, but I clearly see that what you worked with in CD7 is not what you get when importing the clip PD18.

It's also fully consistent with PIX's and my experience of opening the 10-bit HDR clip in different apps - each one is different from all the others.

I don't know if this is specifically a PD18 issue, but I agree that CD and PD must treat this clip identically in order for color grading to work. This should be submitted to CL so they can investigate and figure out a proper solution.
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There is no snapshot option in CDR, aside from the regular Print Screen.

Here are some comparison screenshots of the Dartboard clip from CDR7 & CDR9, PDR17 & PDR18.

optodata, I'm yet to find the "definitive" (best?) media viewer fro HDR10 clips. As with many things, there's a wealth of conflicting advice.

PIX PIX YouTube channel
detroit123 [Avatar]
Senior Member Joined: Dec 20, 2011 14:58 Messages: 194 Offline
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PD 17 AND CD 7 look most accurate

I have CD 7 so I can see this

I am surprised at how accurate PD 17 Looked, I am using PD 18 and I saw the screen shote of that and it is night and day different than 17
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I think the staggering difference you're seeing is a product of using CDR7 & PDR18. If you were using any of the following combinations, the display in each would be consistent. Accurate? Who knows.

CDR6/7 >>> PDR16/17 "laughing"
CDR8/9 >>> PDR18/19 "laughing"

In the video I posted earlier, there's an extreme difference in display between PDR16/17 & PDR18/19:


and CDR6/7 & CDR8/9:


That doesn't resolve the issue, but it might get us a little closer to clarity.

PIX PIX YouTube channel
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