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Samsung Gear ActionDirector Stitching Does Not Work For 360 Video
JeffRollason [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: May 07, 2018 16:11 Messages: 1 Offline
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I have exactly the same problem that it saves to panorama when seen on Facebook. I followed the link shown above to get a newer version of actiondirector but that link provided an older version. I had 2.0.2112.0 but that link provides 2.0.1619.0, so this was not an issue of having an out-of-date version.

I have tested both versions and tried both H.264 AVC and H.265 formats and neither work. All I am doing is cropping the start and end of the Gear 360 video and, having been through the options, I am clearly using the Gear 360 settings, but all combinations deliver a flattened panorama view on facebook.

I'm also using Windows 10

Any ideas?

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at May 09. 2018 03:21

roady [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Oct 28, 2018 05:01 Messages: 1 Offline
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Hello. I was searching on google on how to stitch photos through my samsung gear 360 and got here.

After reading a lot of threads, i was able to download latest version of Action director 2.0.3231.0. However, it is not able to stitch any photos. Videos seem to be fine though.

For photos, all I get is entire black image as an output. I am not able to understand as to what is causing this issue and how to resolve the same.

Please help!
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