I have to say this whole thing (what's listed in this thread) is disappointing. It doesn't happen to me often (fingers crossed), but the fact that it did, and it is happening to others with such regularity (and rending the software useless for some) is just terrible. If it happened to me all the time, again where I couldn't use it, I would be livid. No doubt I would have to turn elsewhere. Hearing the response from CL's support group doesn't make it any better.
Possibly the biggest let down is that it has been reported in the new version of PhD7, which had I not read this thread would not have known it was out. Maybe that is to be expected because isn't most "next generation" software written off the past software's code? (That's mostly rhetorical.)
No, the biggest let down has to be the response from CL. This is a serious issue. My decision to upgrade software is mostly based on what the new features are. Setting that aside, I won't even consider it until I know CL takes this seriously (read: implements action). I'm sure there are many factors to this, like what version of Windows 10 are you using, other possible hardware and/or software conflicts, etc...AND, while I don't expect them to announce it in a news release (I know that's extreme if not borderline ridiculous), I would like to hear someone say they contacted CL and then have CL say to them, "Yes, we are aware of this problem and working on it."
ROBERT58: I don't change the drive the software wants to install to. Back in the day when hard drives were smaller, i did, but in general, my "rule" is to let the software go where the developers intended it to go. That being said, I'm careful on what software I install. Not crazy careful, but I don't just install anything I find online (there are those who do).