Interesting thread. I was unaware of the "MVP" program. Why are MVP's not identified as such here on the forum? I would like to know and I think there should be some disclaimer statement stating that these individuals are being compensated by the mothership. Just my opinion.
One would think as a minimum that would appear to be a reasonable request. Additionally, many of the MVPs also post very positive reviews on Amazon, FB,....other sites, again that's great if their view as they are totally entitled to it, however, never mentioning they receive software as a comp can be rather deceiving to those reading the reviews. Not too forthright in my opinion, downright devious could be another view. So when you read here some users stating it's a user to user forum, well not really, some of those making those very claims receive CL products comp.
I only contribute here as part of a hobby and believe I have a little capability in some video editing and computer areas which I can offer. For those that want the free stuff, like your CL badge, and title on CL MVP page, you accepted to be the MVP, contribute to the potential. Use your "Privilege to directly contact CyberLink staff through a special hotline or email" which CL claims so you can get the answers. Making statements like this below is just ridicules for a MVP,
A MVP should answer questions to the best of his/her knowledge. I am not an engineer, I did not code the program (I don't have that programing skill).
Well, would that not be the objective of any valid forum contributor, be that a newbie, contributor, senior, whoever, to post a answer to the best of their ability?