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I am SOOOO tired of PDUltra64 Freezing Up!!!
chuckpuckett [Avatar]
Member Location: Alabama Joined: Jan 30, 2011 09:41 Messages: 95 Offline
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This is just exasperating beyond belief!!

Went in to a project, lined up an audio and visual track, went to split the track at a convenient place, WHAM! PD freezes up. This happens with frequency that goes WAY beyond annoying. It becomes close to impossible to make any progress on a project. And this is a project with a single HD track and a single WAV track.

Surely to God Cyberlink is putting out stability releases SOON.

Chuck "Annoyed in Alabama" Puckett Chuck Puckett
"I don't want to steal the show. I only want to borrow it for a while"
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Senior Contributor Location: Canada Joined: Aug 21, 2009 11:24 Messages: 1431 Offline
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Do you have other posts in this forum about your problem ? If so which one ? If not, then you'll find that we can help a tad more if you follow the instructions found on the first page of this forum regarding info that we need from users. Win 10, i7
chuckpuckett [Avatar]
Member Location: Alabama Joined: Jan 30, 2011 09:41 Messages: 95 Offline
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I've mentioned it in almost every post I've made.

  • Opened the project

  • lined up audio track to video track

  • split the video track

  • moved cursor to split audio track

  • it froze up

  • "freeze up" means Task Manager says it's not responding. I have to End Task to and restart.

    REINSTALL THE SOFTWARE?? That's your prescription to fix a problem? That's the moral equivalen to of "take two aspirin."

    btw: when instructions for submitting a problem include Part A, Part B, etc, on up to using almost the entire alphabet, this says to me your TR tracking is out of control.
    28 Kbytes
    350 time(s)
    Chuck Puckett
    "I don't want to steal the show. I only want to borrow it for a while"
    All vodi
    Senior Contributor Location: Canada Joined: Aug 21, 2009 11:24 Messages: 1431 Offline
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    I looked at your previous posts and you've a fair number of issues. Some are obviously related to the learning curve associated with PD9 and similar editing software.

    As for your present issue, I can suggest the following only because I've had similar issues with PD9 until I did the following - it may work for you as well :

    I was reading another HD video editing forum recently and one of the users indicated that their software (not PD9) was a "pig" editing AVC files and that it would crash frequently (PD9 is not unique to this ailment). But they were able to resolve most of their issues by essentially cleaning out their Win7 PC by using CCleaner ( which is a free system utility. I removed PD9, ran CCleaner, re-installed PD9 - release 2504 and voila ! 90% of my problems with the release disappeared.

    Win 10, i7
    Glastarflyer [Avatar]
    Newbie Joined: Mar 06, 2009 17:30 Messages: 10 Offline
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    Hmm... Do you recommend running CCleaner even on a new PC?

    Unfortunately, I am kind of allergic to all kinds of generic "cleaning" programs and registry "fixes". I have found that they usually cause much more trouble than fix things.

    The bottom line is that PD9 should really be possible to run reliably on an out of the box Win 7 PC, without any third party cleaning processes.

    Not even PD7 and PD8 were especially stable, though in my opinion, PD9 has some serious issues, that shouldn't be blamed on the OS. PD9 was developed for Windows, wasn't it?

    And there got to be some useful standards for AVC files too, I would think. I do understand it may be a difficult format to work with, though as it is supposed to be supported, why blame the video files?

    Don't get me wrong, PD is an excellent application, regarding ease of use and human interfacing. Lot's of powerful tools and it handles a large variety of files and I like it a lot. When it works. It's a pity that the stability really is too poor.

    I do hope Cyberlink will address the stability issue seriously and stop blaming OS and file formats...

    Sorry for the frustration expressed...

    Dafydd B [Avatar]
    Senior Contributor Joined: Aug 26, 2006 08:20 Messages: 11973 Offline
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    Every installation of software on your system put's in junk or fragments your system.

    I've used CCleaner and so have other editors here. It is designed to remove unneeded items. Just be aware of what it removes and analysis it before hitting any delete button.

    tbrady [Avatar]
    Newbie Joined: Feb 01, 2011 13:21 Messages: 7 Offline
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    I've had a similar experience as chuckpuckett on a brand new HP PC with NOTHING installed on it, purchased PD9, updated PD9 and video card drivers (see my other posts at, and it still freezes. I've been waiting for weeks for a new version of PD9 that works. I've read this entire forum looking for a fix and tried everything it suggests.
    chuckpuckett [Avatar]
    Member Location: Alabama Joined: Jan 30, 2011 09:41 Messages: 95 Offline
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    I should point out that my machine was bought new last month. It does NOT have a lot of crap on it, by any means. Chuck Puckett
    "I don't want to steal the show. I only want to borrow it for a while"
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    chuckpuckett AND tbrady;

    I would expect that you both will have similar problems running the program. You are both attempting to run the program from similar laptops using the same underpowered video card. I suggest to you that 256 MEGS of dedicated video memory is not enough to perform most functions with the new 64bit PD9 program.

    There are statements of "Supported Cards", but I am unclear WHY Cyberlink has not specified the video memory required to adequately support PD9. They have not communicated to users of the programs this caution...but I will!

    I have seen and heard MANY users problems here. It has been stated by many video editors in the forum, in many ways...but it boils down to this....

    Although it is POSSIBLE to operate the current version of the program with a limited video card, you will ALWAYS have problems (pauses, hangs, freezes, etc.) with functions and editing capabilities with less than 512MEGS of dedicated video memory.....honestly, I am not even sure 512 is enough. I continue to test the program as the program patches and new video drivers are released.

    That is why you both (and others here) are having problems( my humble opinion). If you do not provide adequate hardware resources for the program to run efficiently...IT WILL NOT!!! It is (after all) a very powerful (AKA resource HUNGRY) video editing program. Your video environment is not sufficient for proper operation.
    chuckpuckett [Avatar]
    Member Location: Alabama Joined: Jan 30, 2011 09:41 Messages: 95 Offline
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    I don't doubt I need a better card (it's a desktop, not a laptop, but no matter).

    Nevertheless, there is a qualitative difference in "slowness" vs. "freeze". Lower performant hardware will likely run slower. But freeze completely? To the point that you have to use Task Manager to kill it? (and I've waited overnight, as an experiment. This sucker is seriously frozen). That should NEVER happen, regardless. It may be too slow to use effectively, but the s/w should NOT crash/freeze.

    I bought PD because it claimed 64 bit blazing performance. There was, as you mention, no list of grafix cards needed to run the s/w. I have all the CPU/Memory requirements, and plenty of horsepower & memory to spare.

    Premiere Elements was slow. Slow enough to cause me to buy PDU64. But it did NOT freeze up. I have to give it that.

    Looking for some quick stability debug releases from Cyberlink. As I've said before, you buy the bleeding edge, just out, works on 64 bit machines package, you expect to bleed a little. But you expect the people who sell it to be coming out with bandaids pretty quick. Chuck Puckett
    "I don't want to steal the show. I only want to borrow it for a while"
    [Post New] bad..yes you are running a desktop.

    Cyberlink DOES specify minimum (as I stated) supported video cards (yours is not supported). But, they do not specify dedicated video memory requirements. It is my opinion that they avoid issues like this.

    There are many stability issues ( I have experience in MOST of them) in the program, but I seriously doubt that your problem will EVER go away without adequate video memory and GPU. Either upgrade your video card or continue to have trouble running the program. I do not think there are any other options, and I doubt that upcoming patches will change that.

    This message was edited 3 times. Last update was at Mar 01. 2011 12:16

    Glastarflyer [Avatar]
    Newbie Joined: Mar 06, 2009 17:30 Messages: 10 Offline
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    Well, I don't have a laptop and I do have 1 GB on the Nvidia Geforce card, even if it's not a top of tthe line card. Still have a lot of issues, much the same as described, though not very often when rendering video. It has happened, though.

    Looks like at least 3 people with brand new, pretty good hardware are having similar problems. The crappy performance with my 2 year old previous PC prompted me to upgrade and it is kind of frustrating that the investment is not paying off. Well, not with PD9, anyway...

    It's quite understandable, that video editing takes a lot of power and resources, though crashes and freezes are not really acceptable anyway. A decent message box telling me that I am exceeding the capabilities would be much more nice. :

    [Post New]

    I looked for (and have not found) that you have posted a DXDIAG file for your machine environment. Please post this ( or link to it) on a separate thread you create, so we can handle your issues directly.

    I have run all versions of PD from 3-9 on all types of machines...I have many lost and gray hairs from this program. I am a one of the voices with experience in this program. Basic information is needed to address YOUR problem, so please provide it.

    This message was edited 3 times. Last update was at Mar 01. 2011 12:47

    Dafydd B [Avatar]
    Senior Contributor Joined: Aug 26, 2006 08:20 Messages: 11973 Offline
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    Post on a new topic thread and provide a diagnostic as you've been asked previously.

    Fred, I didn't look at the diagnostic... I should have done. Thank you. I back what Fred has posted 100% except perhaps on the minimum graphics card. The 1 gb graphics card I have isn't powerful enough for 1080p 59.94 frames per second 24.8mbps and video editors should perhaps seek even better.


    This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at Mar 01. 2011 12:49

    tbrady [Avatar]
    Newbie Joined: Feb 01, 2011 13:21 Messages: 7 Offline
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    I thought the problem was with AMD and ATI but I can see from Glastarflyer dxdiag.txt that the intel/nvidia also has a problem. Here is my dxdiag:
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    chuckpuckett [Avatar]
    Member Location: Alabama Joined: Jan 30, 2011 09:41 Messages: 95 Offline
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    Okay, here is the screen capture.

    Please note. I AM DOING A PROJECT SAVE (my only defense for freezeups).


    This happened about 8 times in a row tonight, along with OTHER freezes.

    Get a dadgum fix out here! Stabilize this software!!
    [Thumb - pdu64freeze.jpg]
    196 Kbytes
    233 time(s)
    Chuck Puckett
    "I don't want to steal the show. I only want to borrow it for a while"
    Robert2 S
    Senior Contributor Location: Australia Joined: Apr 22, 2009 05:57 Messages: 1461 Offline
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    Both chuckpuckett and tbrady have the same under powered computer with 256 meg video. I will say it again for the hundredth time editing video is the hardest thing your computer will do.

    It is not your fault it is the camera makers selling all of these new HD video cameras, without mentioning "Oh by the way you will also have to spend $2,000 for a new computer if you want to do anything more complicated than just dumping the video on the timeline then hit produce."

    As soon as you start to split, add audio, enhancements etc etc you will bring most basic computers to their knees.

    Sorry for the rant but it just gets tired post after post after post blaming the software. Yes there are some problems with PD9 as all of them do.

    I have been using PD9 with my GoPro HD video adding separate voice recorder audio, using video enhance, stretching 4:3 video to 16:9 etc all with no problems with PD9. Yes I do have a powerful computer with up to date drivers etc and yes it did cost more than $2,000.


    Robert2 S

    This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at Mar 02. 2011 01:01

    My youtube channel====>
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    Robert2 S;
    I many problems are resolved by pumping up the machine to meet the program needs!! There are some legitimate issues within the program, but I can produce using PD9 2504 in Windows7 64bit and once I find a "pothole" that causes a failure, I just try to NOT step in it again! I too look forward to the release of the next patch!!!

    And I wish I had a nickel for every time I heard..

    The graphic card has EVERYTHING to do with the operation of a VIDEO RENDERING program!!!
    Graphic processing is part of EVERY aspect of the production..sound, burning, transitions, converting, previewing.....EVERY aspect!! Get it?

    I try to imagine how many times Dafydd has written "Could we see the three bits requested?" and it helps to make me calm....

    EVERYONE..listen up..these folks are designated as Senior Contributors because they have had the experience (good and bad) with the program to know what is needed. It shouldn't be a have a problem. ..explain your problem, provide the machine details and attachments needed for us to "SEE" the problem you are having... listen to the advice and explanation of the reason for the problem...then, participate in the solution.

    or go somewhere else and complain. There has to be a "I HATE CYBERLINK" or "I HATE VIDEO EDITING SOFTWARE" Forum somewhere on the Internet where you can visit and vent!!!.

    And just so I can get all my RANT out at once...If you have "product A" and it "has no problem, so why should PD9" (another statement I am tired of hearing)...well, I suggest you get a refund (or throw PD out the window) and go USE "product A"!!!!!!

    This particular forum is meant for people who want to find solutions to problems using PD9..I think!!?

    Disclaimer...ok maybe I am not as CALM as I claim to be

    This message was edited 3 times. Last update was at Mar 02. 2011 02:53

    Senior Contributor Location: Melbourne, Australia Joined: Jul 14, 2009 04:23 Messages: 2208 Offline
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    Hi Fred

    This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at Mar 02. 2011 02:55

    Happing editing

    Best Regards


    My Youtube Channel
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    PD8 Ultra v3022. Computer: Dell Studio 1747, Intel, i7 Q740 1.73 GHz, 8GB RAM, ATI Mob. Radeon HD 560v 1GB, Windows 7 Ult. 64
    PD10 Ultra v2023. Computer: HP Pavilion dv7, Intel, i7 2630 2.00 GHz, 8GB RAM, ATI Mob. Radeon HD 6770 2GB, Windows 7 Pre. 64
    PD12 Ultra v2930. Computer: HP Pavilion dv7, Intel, i7 2630 2.00 GHz, 8GB RAM, ATI Mob. Radeon HD 6770 2GB, Windows 7 Pre. 64
    PD13 Ultim v3516. Computer: HP Pavilion dv7, Intel, i7 2630 2.00 GHz, 8GB RAM, ATI Mob. Radeon HD 6770 2GB, Windows 7 Pre. 64
    PD16 Live v2101 Computer: HP Pavilion dv7, Intel, i7 2630 2.00 GHz, 16GB RAM, ATI Mob.Radeon HD 6770 2GB, Windows 7 Pre. 64
    Director Suite 6: PowerDirector 16 Live, PhotoDirector 9, ColorDirector 6, AudioDirector 8

    Cameras: Sony(s) HXR-NX5P, HXR-NX70P, NEX-VG10E, a6300 4k, HDR TG5E, GoPro 4 Black, Canon 6D DSLR

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    [Post New]
    I better go to bed!! I only signed on intending to check for an update and to reload my STARBUCKS card..and look what happened to me.

    Gnight ALL

    This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at Mar 02. 2011 03:05

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