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Problem with Hardware Acceleration
tpgh [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Jan 23, 2010 12:24 Messages: 19 Offline
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I am currently using a ATI HD 4650 and i tried to use the "True Velocity" rendering option and my files end up having green vertical lines in them. when i turn off hardware acceleration, the video quality is normal.

is there any way to remedy this situation? thanks so much!!
Robert2 S
Senior Contributor Location: Australia Joined: Apr 22, 2009 05:57 Messages: 1461 Offline
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Check out the new ATI drivers they apparently solve a lot of problems. My youtube channel====>
tpgh [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Jan 23, 2010 12:24 Messages: 19 Offline
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yea...i just installed the newest catalyst and drives from that site too....still didn't solve my problem sadly.

the funny thing is this....only full hd 24mbs m2ts files are undamaged. all the other hd formats give me green blocks and lines when i render them....

it's really strange....

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at Feb 04. 2011 01:31

Robert2 S
Senior Contributor Location: Australia Joined: Apr 22, 2009 05:57 Messages: 1461 Offline
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You know to be honest even with Nvidia hardware acceleration I really don't see the value of it these days.

When you come from an era when it took all night and half the next day to render your video, I am laughing all the way to the bank with the speeds of PD even minus hardware acceleration. My youtube channel====>
tpgh [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Jan 23, 2010 12:24 Messages: 19 Offline
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i managed to fix it. had to uninstall everything and reinstall the newest driver. and then reinstall avivo and hydravision too from older driver sets.

geez that was a lot of work for no real reason...
Robert2 S
Senior Contributor Location: Australia Joined: Apr 22, 2009 05:57 Messages: 1461 Offline
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I thought the new ATI drivers had avivo built into them the same as Nvidia has cuda built in? My youtube channel====>
PatC [Avatar]
Senior Member Location: Suffolk UK Joined: Nov 17, 2009 14:00 Messages: 156 Offline
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Hi tpgh & Robert 2

I have gone from a dual core AMD64 with HD4870 graphics to a quad core Intel i7 with HD5870 graphics
and have yet to see any increase in rendering speed due to help from the graphics card on either setup.
Running PD8 on the AMD and PD9 on the Intel.
On both PCs I turn on a Graphics Card monitoring utility and apart from a few spurious spikes there is
little help from the graphics card and no real decrease in rendering times.

Avivo some 6 months ago worked as a video converter, but the latest updates fail to recognise
mp4 or m2ts files as valid input types, so I cannot see that driver/software being able to contribute
much to the rendering process. Contacted AMD/ATI, but received nonsensical replies.
However as you say, with just the raw power of the current wave of CPUs we can achieve
reasonable rendering times without any GPU acceleration even with HD media files.

Now running with all program selectable acceleration turned OFF.

Interesting fact: SVRT pushes my i7 CPU to 92% on all cores. ? ? ? ?


tpgh [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Jan 23, 2010 12:24 Messages: 19 Offline
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how come i can't use svrt? is it some special option?
Senior Contributor Location: Darwen, UK Joined: May 15, 2008 04:32 Messages: 1949 Offline
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how come i can't use svrt? is it some special option?

See attached from PD9 help file or page 119 of the user guide

[Thumb - SVRT help.PNG]
84 Kbytes
250 time(s)
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