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Audio error
benmitchell.ak [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Jul 10, 2023 17:09 Messages: 1 Offline
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I am running into an audio issue with some of my video footage. I have been using power Director for a while now and have not run into this issue before. In one specific project, I have imported video footage that I have shot in an external capture program. I have clipped and spliced various parts of the footage into a five minute video clip. All of the clips are playing well except for the last 20 seconds of the clips in the project where the audio gets a weird echo/flanger effect. I have tried re-importing the video and reinserting it. I've restarted the program and my computer and I'm still getting the audio distortion. The distortion doesn't always sound the same. Sometimes, it's echoey and sometimes it changes to sound more like a flanger or a wide stereo effect so I know it's not the recording itself. I'm using a new gaming-level HP Windows 11 laptop with 16 GB of RAM and dedicated graphics. FYI, the audio distortion remains when I export it to a YouTube video. Any suggestions on how to fix this audio distortion?

Thank you,
Senior Contributor Location: California, USA Joined: Sep 16, 2011 16:04 Messages: 8630 Offline
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