I Like to use the AI style effects. Blend it with the original source to make some nice effects. Sometimes also with the sky replacement.
Other than that, multiple layers of videos and blending them, Slow motion, editing colors in videos.
Then I like to get experimental with transitions, PiP, mask designer and keyframing all off this. Lots to learn of that front!
Hope that gives some more info!
That’s a little more guidance. Your 1050ti can handle the AI style effects with Nvidia CUDA hardware acceleration checked, is it simply not fast enough when you click Transform Video? Are you looking for timeline editing improvement, produce improvements, what is the 1050Ti bottleneck that you're trying to resolve with a new GPU?
Sky replacement, CPU task, GPU won't help
Slow motion playback, CPU task, GPU won't help
Color Adjusting, CPU task, GPU won't help
Assuming you are talking timeline editing and playback fluidity with transitions, PIP, mask designer, keyframing, all predominately CPU tasks, a GPU won't help
I really don't understand your need, however, if I was looking to buy a reasonable priced new GPU in today’s market for PD, I'd probably look for a RTX 4070, even the dual cooler.