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Quote Hello, i'm currently using PD11 and planning to upgrade, my question is about the custom bitrate settings for 720p, 1080p and 2160p. In PD11 720p can be reduced to 6MBps but in 1080p in cannot be reduced below the standard 13MBps (which really annoys me!) What are the options in PD15 and is it the same for all versions?

I frequently render to 1920x1080p at 3.5Kbits with PD15 and PD actually allows down to 3.0 K. Perhaps the trial version has it limited.
Quote The fresh install of Win10, with updates, will possibly resolve the issue.


A "fresh" install of Win 10 should never be required in today's state of software. It is way too much effort to re-install every item on a PC and froth with many additional problems.
Just downloaded (on two occasions) a trial version and after starting the app I get a windows error saying that the app has stopped working. I have other Cyberlink apps that have never had install issues so this does not make sense.
Quote Hey y'all, when using slide show creator, or Photodirector 15 to make a slideshow, how do I slow down the speed of the pictures?

I want to use the "Normal" theme but I dont see any options allowing me to slow down the speed the photos are displayed.



That option sadly is not included. You need to emulate the slideshow on the timeline, a much slower process.
Quote Thanks bud, but I gave up. Very nice menu by Cyberlink, but they botched the music. As stated I altered the name of the file I wanted to use to the same as the included file, so it SHOULD have pointed to it. Too much work for too little gain.

I have not used the DVD portion of PD for sometime. However, is it possible that the video track has the audio embedded ?
Quote In the menu designer I create all three types of menus- the root menu, the titles/chapters menu, and the Subtitles menu. But even though I make the subtitles menu, it doesn't show up anywhere. I click on the menu structure, but it's not there.

On the Titles menu of disc creating if you select either "all" menus" or "custom" menus you should see the one you created.
Quote How do you get it to use a subtitles menu? It's easy to get it to use a root menu and Titles/chapters menu. But no matter what I do, I can't get it to use the subtitles menu. I've searched all guides I can find, but none of them seem to explain it. Anyone know how?

Please explain in detail what it is you are trying to do and with what sources.
Have you tried using the DVD producer in PD ?
We'll need a lot more detail on your PC and the type of files you are editing. Please see the top of the first page of this forum to see what we need.
There appears to be two groups within Cyberlink: one issues a fix for the broken audio on capture, the other breaks it in beta release v2421.

As per the response from the moderator the temp fix works OK.
There appears to be two entities at Cyberlink : one issues a fix for the capture audio problem and another issues an update that reverses it as does v2421 beta.
What a poor way to limit input: cut short the notice. Unfortunately this type of action is not a surprise.
PD14 is not removed by upgrading to PD15. They both run BUT not at the same time as they share some files.
FYI - Previous versions of PD have had an on-going issue with not accurately determining frame rates. The fall back is Windows properties.
I agree with ynotfish. PD is not reliable enough for update checking. The best is this forum since not only is it upto date but gives you warnings if anyone is having issues with it.
Thanks Jeff. I was beginning to wonder why such a quirk.

You are correct ! I can verify what you just did. It's no longer a quirk. It's a bug.
Using an MP4 clip on the timeline if the following sequence is used to render a preview PD15 does nothing and exits the render process:

  1. Mute audio track

  2. Split clip into two segments

  3. Apply a default stabilizer to the second segment

  4. Select a range within the second segment to preview render

The fix is to NOT mute the audio for a preview render.

ADDENDUM: Another issues has arisen related to Render Preview - When producing the clip where the preview render was selected the production (with SVRT) takes much longer and PD seems to re-render the sections previewed. Anyone care to test it out ?
If you upgraded from PD14 to PD15 do not discard your original source files in case you need to re-instal PD15 at a later time. FYI - I was using PD14 with 13 under Win7 with no issues before Win 10 came along.
Can you give ue the details of the video in the "properties" section ?

I suggest you post a small portion (about 15 seconds) of your camera's video on this forum. This way we can check it out for issues.

In addition, check the "properties" of the video files from the camera. The scanning lines are the reason why your Vimeo video is not the same as that of your camera. You did not indicate what the video looks like on your PC.
PD14 (the actual app) takes about 1 GB of storage space. The content portions are of course much more. But the content can be used by PD15 and one may not want to delete them if you intend to use them in PD15. Win 10 should show PD14 in the control panel/programs if it is still active. If it's not shown then it was not removed using Win 10 in the standard fashion.
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