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Cheers again guys. I can get the audio into Waveditor. I have attached a small sample with the 'morse' beeping. I'm away tomorrow until Thursday buy any help would be appreciated.
Thanks guys, I do have Audacity but rarely use it. More research methinks. Not sure what format the audio is. I captured it in PD11 but I think it is just one file?
Hi all,
I video'd my sons Wedding yesterday. When I import it into the PC and play back there is a beeping on various parts of the tape. It sounds like Morse code, obviously some sort of interference picked up by the camera. It's just loud enough to be annoying and spoils the video somewhat. Does anybody know of a way to filter this out? I'll try anything.
Thanks guys.
Thanks Jaime-esque, It makes sense, if I play the disc on my sister in laws much newer player, there is no problem. My Sony is about 10 years old. Today I have ordered a Panasonic SC-BTT500EBS. That should sort me out. Thanks again.
I'm not sure to be honest but I think it's interlaced. It's a 42" Samsung plasma about 6 years old. Could that cause it? Can I change the project to interlaced?
Thanks for your help, I'm new to this but finding it very interesting.

Sorry just reread your post. The player is a Sony home theater, DAV-SA30. It must be 10 years old. Looking at the manual it does interlaced and progressive.

Edit yet again. Having read the players manual it says - “PROGRESSIVE” does not work for PAL signals.
Even if you set “COMPONENT OUT” to
“PROGRESSIVE”, the output signal is automatically
switched to interlace format for PAL signals - Is this my problem?
Hi all, I have made a DVD on a dual layer disc. When I play through the PC it looks fine but on a TV it doesn't. What happens is if, say, there are characters talking in the foreground and there is movement behind them (a horse runs past) the background characters judder across the scene. This can happen with slightly quick motion in the foreground occasionally. Any ideas?
Ah ha, please ignore point 2 above. Simple when you know eh? I would like some advice on point 1 though, I can't seem to get rid of the fade in.
I have just done my first two discs using dual layer. I'm still new to this and the few DVDs I did before with single layer always closed and ejected when done. The first of the dual layer discs closed and ejected but the second one sat there at 99% for several minutes then went to 100% (only 25 mins in total, authoring and burning) but still didn't eject. I ejected the disc myself after a few minutes and tried it. It plays perfectly.
Hi all, still a newbi but getting there. Another question. When I make a custom menu I can set most things how I want but I am having trouble with a couple of things. 1, When I preview the project, the root page fades in slowly. It's like the picture I set is in very low resolution for 10-15 seconds? The music is playing ok but the scene takes ages to sharpen up. I have set 'no effects' for the menu, it's just a picture. I have tried several pics all high res but it makes no differance. I just want the root page picture to open like the music, right away.
2, I can change the text 'My Videos' on the root page to whatever I want but it still says 'My Videos' on the chapter page. How do I change that?
Thanks for all your help chaps.
Thanks stevek, The videos are of TV progs with no commercials. I think the first lot had already been converted and compressed, I'm not sure, but on the TV the quality looked ok. The lot I'm trying to do haven't been converted or had anything done to them. My son is bringing some Dual Layer discs aound, that's probably what I should be using anyway. I'll update after I try again. Thanks again.
PS, here we have the good old BBC which doesn't have commercials.
I have done discs before with two one hour tv shows on each disc using a Coral prog (30 day trial) I am now just trying to do the same thing with PD. Both files properties say 1.3Gb but PD says two of them come to 7.6GB and are too big for the disc.I am getting some dual layer discs but I don't understand how it is 7.6Gb?
Hi all,
I have a couple of MKV format videos I want to put on disc. Properties say they are 7.6Gb. If I go to produce and convert them to MPEG2 (or 4) properties then says 1.3Gb. When I come to produce the DVD the two 1.3Gb files are now 7.6Gb and far too big for the disc! Properties still says both files are around 1.3 Gb each but PD says they add up to 7.6GB. It's driving me daft, what am I missing?
Thanks guys.
Excellent, see how easy it is when you know To be honest I'm a little dissapointed with the menu options, too constraining. I love the program but the menu options were much better in Corals program. I wish I could have it all on one page rather than have a chapter page like with the Coral and with the audio options. Oh well, I've bought it now, just hope for some patches?
Thanks Tony.
Hi all,
When I preview my project the first page plays the audio I set, no problem. The chapter page plays something else, a generic sound track of its own. Could anybody please point me in the right direction so I can play what I want on the chapter page or at least the same as the first page?
Thanks guys.
Thanks Tony for your help. I played with PD a whole day and learned much, and got frustrated plenty. That's just the nature of the beast I know. I think I have the basics of the menu down now, seems easier to create one from scratch rather than modify one? I have audio on the first page for the max 99 secs but the chapters page? like it said in your post, it's a nightmare. Maybe Cyberlink will release a patch someday? It would be a nice option.
Thanks again.
Thanks ynotfish, the answer was there - e.g. on the Root menu page Item 1 is typically "Play", Item 2 is typically "Chapters/Scenes" & Item 3 is "Subtitles".
Let's say you have a project with only 1 video without chapters & no subtitles - they'll only be a "Play" button because the others are superfluous. -. I noticed the buttons didn't appear so assumed not really a problem, just confusing, it's like they are options but I assumed they were 'fixed'. I am new to PD but did a little video with Roxio a few years back. I have another question about audio. When I preview the video, the menu plays the audio for 10 - 15 seconds then repeats. Is there a way for me to play the whole audio track complete then maybe repeat until something is clicked?
Thanks BarryTheCrab, The video helped a little. I realised that although it shows three buttons they don't appear in the preview? very confusing. In the video they are almost ignored and are not a problem. Wish that was explained before I spent a couple of frustrating hours trying to get rid of them. Anyway, another question. I add a sound track to the menu, it is over two minutes long and I would like it to play for the full track if nothing is clicked. It will only play for 10-15 seconds then repeats. Any ideas?
Hi all, complete newbi here.
Short version, I load a video and go to 'create disc'. I select a menu and it has various objects on it, item 1, item 2 etc. I want to get rid of some of these but cannot find a way. I can select them but pressing delete does nothing and I can't find anything to delete them. Is there a way to delete/add buttons to menus? It seems so basic an option, I'm sure I'm missing something.
Thanks all.
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