I'm definitely not an expert, but need help with Chroma Key, in getting rid of a purple background for a video I am trying to finish right now. Please view this image so you can see what I'm talking about:
Recently, on another project, I've done a great video where I was in front of a green screen. I did the Chroma Key, and it found all the green, and got rid of it, and published that video and it was awesome.
However, for this video I am trying to finish now, look at that image to which I linked above. Notice how that purple sheet I used as a background has multiple "shades" of purple, I guess you could say..? Anyway, I'm trying to apply a Chroma Key such that it will COMPLETELY get rid of the Purple (in all shades), such that another .JPG room background can shine through as my background.
But it seems like whether
1) I put ONE Chroma Key and set it to the purple and try the two "Color Range" and "Denoise" sliders, or
2) if I try setting multiple Chroma Keys, whereby I try different "shades" of the purple, and then also try the two "Color Range" and "Denoise" sliders,
it doesn't really come out right because the final video sort of starts making the colors within my eyeballs weird, sometimes it may find some of my skin and put a "Hole", etc. etc. It's just not 100% right, and I'm guessing you probably know what I mean. I need
1) all purple gone,
2) all of my skin/shirt/ and my head all intact 100%,
3) and my new .JPG room background shining through as my background.
I'm aware I'm just a beginner at Chroma Key and stuff, but I wanted to ask about any strategies I can use to completely get rid of this purple, and end up getting all of the purple sheet completely gone, such that my other .JPG file that I have set on Track 1 can come throughand be my new permanent background in my final video.