I got some DVDs that have Charlie Chan movies on them. There are 6 movies per DVD (4.7G single layer). The "menu" on these discs, if you want to call it that, is simply a file listing on a blue background. Apparently whoever put these together really didn't know what they were doing with the software. So I thought I would rip the discs, separate out each of the movies with DVDShrink, and then suck them back in with Powerdirector and make new discs with a decent menu. So, I separated out the movies and saved each one in it's own folder (.VOB files). Each movie VOB is approximately 600M, multiply times 6 for a total of about 3.7G. So, I fired up Powerdirector, went to Make Disc, and pulled each VOB in. Down below where it shows the total data and how much of the chosen disc type you are using, the data size was just over 32G. FYI, it did the same thing when I pulled the VOB files into DVDFab 12 and made a disc, as well as when I sucked them into NERO 10. So the bottom line question is, when I start with 6 movies that all fit on a standard DVD, why does the result of my process end up needing a 50G Blu-Ray??? I'm stumped, please let me know if you have an explanation!