AMD Ryzen 7 2700X Eight-Core Processor 3700 MHZ
32 Gigs of Ram
B450 Tomahawk (MS-7C02) board
Multiple SSDs including a 1gb Sabrent M.2 Rocket and a couple of Samsung 1TB SSD 860 drives
Radeon RX 570 GPU
I film concerts and can have up to 10 4K video cameras running but usually cull that down to about 6 during the editing process. So I am getting lag during the editing process and lately as I use more effects and layer in lots of cameras my 45 minute videos can take all night to produce. It has gotten to the point that almost every night I just produce whatever I have finished becuase it takes so long.
I do usually try to finish my projects one at a time so my workflow is to load all the camera and audio footage to the M.2 Rocket and just work from that. (My PD software is not housed on that drive) WHen I look at the task manager the CPU is hit 100% a lot and the GPU is usually around 20%. My disk drive never shows more than 2 or 3 percent so it seems the disk isn't the bottleneck. But I was wondering if I split the videos up on a couple different SSD drives would that matter? I have one UHD camera (3840X2160 4K) and I have noticed if I disable that on the timeline it seems to help. I have shadow files turned on and I always use almost the lowest preview resolution as possible. This does sometimes make it difficult for me to determine the best footage I have available as it makes everything look like VHS footage from the 80's during preview. I have updated the drivers as well.
My current project is 429GB of footage but as I upgrade the UHD cameras that number will climb.
Any suggestions would be helpful. I could try to upgrade pieces if you think that would help.
Thanks! Maybe Optodata has a magic wand he could wave at me? lol
I am a huge PD fan and don't want to entertain any other software at this time.