Reinstallation is always an option, but can you tell us a little bit more about the two videos you apparently have issues with.
It would help if you tell how you apply the fades, are they newly made in 365 or did you use the PD17 project file; ect. Any more details will help helping you.
And maybe show (making a screen recording and submit it here) what is happening?
It happened to all my video clips (they are MOV files) for this wedding.
With PD17, when you placed the FADE transition between the 2 clips that touched each other, the two clips would slide into each other in the transition ( the one on the right would slide into the one on the left).
With 365, the two clips don't slide, but the transition layers across the clips for the length of the transtion, which i noticed was odd and different.
I will test it some more and see if I am doing something wrong now, since I jumped from 17 to 365 and something may have changed along the way which I was not aware off.