When I try to use those tabs and select "play", it goes clear back to the beginning of the video. It doesn't seem to make any difference where I set them, it still goes back to the beginning when played. Another thing, it seems that when a section is trimmed, it outputs to a new file. I don't want a new file. I want to delete that dead air, not save it or use it for something else. If there was a way to use the numbers shown that mark the beginning and ending of that dead air as it is being played, that would help a lot! But I see no way to do that. I don't seem able to mark the track in any way to eliminate the dead air other than using Trim. And the instructions are very meager to explain how the markers are even accessed.
Okay folks. That's about as good as I can explain it. I hope someone here can expalin it thoroughly enough and clear enough that I can get the file edited the way I want it and get it posted.
Thanks a bunch.
Ron K.