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Setting chapters
artistsrest123 [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Oct 03, 2015 13:41 Messages: 11 Offline
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Next question. I am currently completing a very large video file, and am looking for suggestions on how best to use chapters.

The video is the years of my kids growing up and I want to set chapters for each year, and I know how to do that manually.

My question is how do chapters look and act when you save the rendered video to a hard drive?

Last one I did with chapters was on a dvd so I know how that works out, but I have not saved one to a hard disc before. Is it similar to a dvd menu?

Any input will be gratefully accepted.


StevenG [Avatar]
Contributor Joined: Jan 14, 2014 14:04 Messages: 513 Offline
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Scene and chapter markers are for DVDs and BluRays only. if you're outputting a movie to your hard drive, you won't even see the chapters.
artistsrest123 [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Oct 03, 2015 13:41 Messages: 11 Offline
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Yeah wasn't sure if it was of any benefit. Thanks for the reply.


Quote Scene and chapter markers are for DVDs and BluRays only. if you're outputting a movie to your hard drive, you won't even see the chapters.
JL_JL [Avatar]
Senior Contributor Location: Arizona, USA Joined: Oct 01, 2006 20:01 Messages: 6091 Offline
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artistsrest123. One option with just PD is to use the Create Disc module just like you do for burning to a DVD/BD, however, just click the "Create a folder" option only to create the folder on your hard drive. Then you will have chapters as this folder is the same as contents on the BD. Any reasonable PC player utility (free or paid) will support the playback of this folder with chapter selection.


This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at Jul 25. 2020 12:01

tomasc [Avatar]
Senior Contributor Joined: Aug 25, 2011 12:33 Messages: 6464 Offline
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Jeff's suggestion above is what I do on the HTPC. Use PowerDVD or a free player to display on the monitor or on the TV screen.
JL_JL [Avatar]
Senior Contributor Location: Arizona, USA Joined: Oct 01, 2006 20:01 Messages: 6091 Offline
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artistsrest123, Another option is to use a mkv file which supports chapters. PD supports mkv in produce, but does not support chapter creation. As such, you would need to use a 3rd party tool to add the chapters, it's rather basic though, just need the timecode for chapters. This allows one to have just a single file with chapters for a video file on your hard drive. Again, any reasonable playback utility supports mkv with chapter playback, attached is such a video file pic from VLC playback in which I've defined 3 chapters from PD created mkv file.

[Thumb - MKV_Chapters.png]
506 Kbytes
36 time(s)
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Quote artistsrest123, Another option is to use a mkv file which supports chapters. PD supports mkv in produce, but does not support chapter creation. As such, you would need to use a 3rd party tool to add the chapters, it's rather basic though, just need the timecode for chapters. This allows one to have just a single file with chapters for a video file on your hard drive. Again, any reasonable playback utility supports mkv with chapter playback, attached is such a video file pic from VLC playback in which I've defined 3 chapters from PD created mkv file.


I would like to try the MKV chapters... what "3rd party tool"(s) would work to add the chapters after production?
JL_JL [Avatar]
Senior Contributor Location: Arizona, USA Joined: Oct 01, 2006 20:01 Messages: 6091 Offline
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Quote I would like to try the MKV chapters... what "3rd party tool"(s) would work to add the chapters after production?

Google probably your best friend, I used in this post to show application of chapters in mkv playing in VLC just because it's really simple and free.

Looks like you visited this old thread from your other post. Keep in mind VLC can play video folders created with PD menu system too, the first part of the message I left there and step by step here:

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