I am brand new to Power Director. Actually evaluating the product (30 day free trial). After being a long time Roxio user, I have become very disappointed with Roxio with functions that no longer work, numerous bugs in the software and poor customer support and looking for a alternative video editing software.
I frequently video live theatre using my camcorder. At the same time, I capture audio from the theatres mixing board onto a flash drive.
As you all are probably aware, the quality of the audio captured by a consumer level camera is not the best. This is why I capture audio from the theatre mixing board.
My question is: If I add the audio captured from the mixing board to Power Directors background audio track, can Power Director analyze the audio from the video and sync the audio in the background track with the audio contained within the video track?
Eventually, what I want to do is mute the audio captured by the camera and use the audio from the background track for eventual burning to DVD and/or create a new video file for upload to Youtube, etc
Is it possible to do this in Power Director and if so, how?
I was able to do this in Roxio in earlier releases of Media Creator but their current release (NXT 6) has numerous bugs and the audio captured by the camera (and background track) becomes severly distorted during the editing process even before creating a new video file.
Thanks for your assistance.