You need to give more information to get good help from the users here. Please let us know what you used and how the files are recorded. Are the files compliant (mpeg-2, correct bitbate, resolution, etc.) for playing on a dvd or non compliant and you simply want to store them as data on dvd+-dl discs as storage.
Do you even know if these are avi files since you stated that you don't want to compress them. You could search and find a utility to simply cut the files to size to put them on disc or have them dvd-video complaint from using a video editor. Need the details to help.
You may be able to create dvd-video discs simply using the Power2Go software if the trimming of those 17 to 25GB files, authoring, etc. is adequate for your needs. You are allowed to say trim the end on one file to make it smaller, the begging of the same file, and both ends of the next one so you can burn them all without recording the shows again. It is that easy.