doublethr33, sounds like a really tough predicament. To ease your challenges, why don't you simply get a system as all your research and all these "professional" editors indicate is great for editing. Once you have it, you can always try this consumer editor, PD16, with CyberLink’s no risk offer for 30 days. If you don't like PD and PD’s performance on your system, then get your refund and switch to your other editor which is required to meet your editing needs and you have this “professional” recommended system for your editing platform.
Concerning CPU’s, I know it’s outdated, but in 2013 with PD12, I installed PD on 15 different CPU’s, my conclusion at the time was the PD user editing experience for tasks that are CPU intensive inside PD pretty much mimics basic CPU performance charts from or the like. There is a forum thread discussing. Your comment regarding just comparison of core count can be highly misleading. Just for comparison, I pulled CPU’s with a passmark rating higher than 15000 and plotted performance vs cores, you can see a massive dispersion. If not interested in a iGPU CPU, simply use and look at CPU ratings for your CPU price point would be a good indicator of end editing and CPU encoding satisfaction in PD.
Concerning effects. In my PD use I typically don’t find effects being on the nonprofessional level. To be honest, I use very few effects, as most professional editing I view. Sure, requirements maybe significantly different for others. I do find the supplied PIP’s, particles and titles, to be a little underwhelming. I can usually manually create things to suite my needs. Finding something of value on directorzone is probably an understatement as well as the new AI effects. AI didn’t appear to be a forum favorite here but some marketing/sales must see the need and drive development for such features.
Concerning RAM. Other than OS requirements, an applications additional RAM requirement is really to handle what’s in a given timeline instantaneously. More than that implies no distinct advantage. So, if one’s instantaneous use of RAM at a given section of the timeline is 5GB in addition to OS, having 32GB or 64GB offers no editing improvement. I’ve never had a timeline instantaneous RAM requirement come close to 16GB, OS and application in PD. Yes, applied effects add a little, PIP a little, multiple tracks a little, I’ve just not come close to needing 32GB, let alone 64GB. It does not imply some shortfall of the app, it simply is not required. Again, different editors can require different resources, efficiently and inefficiently. Maybe view it the other way, if I need 64GB of RAM to edit a simple 20GB of timeline video for my BD, users would all be up in arms with the editors RAM requirements. VRAM comments are about the same, they depend heavily on GPU decoding of timeline and timeline content. One thing for certain, CUDA cores are not used significantly since PD transitioned to NVENC when Nvidia applied the sunset on the CUDA based encoder with 340.xx driver, although others codes may. I have several niche encoders that load CUDA cores entirely with their encoding suite and no ASIC (NVENC) load at all, 100% opposite of PD.
Concerning BD. I think if you read this forum you’d find BD menu creating is not really a PD strong suite. Most users struggle with the current implementation. My experience is most things within reason can be migrated around by the accomplished. If your need is really a strong BD menu creation package with strong creative flexibility, I wouldn’t suggest PD fits that need. For most however, I think it has suitable features, maybe not intuitive for most.
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