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Audio lag in Multicam designer
DrummerBoy [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Feb 02, 2016 10:30 Messages: 2 Offline
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I have a 3 camera shot of my band live.

It was shot with GoPro Hero 4s and I've reduced the resolution to 720p, to better speed up processing.

I am using the audio from one of the video tracks and have the 3 videos sync'd up in MultiCam designer.

However, everytime I run the designer, to do the camera selections, audio takes 12-15 seconds to come in, every time.

I am running this on a Dell XPS15, i7, 16GB RAm and SSD.

Anyone come across this, and does anyone have any ideas of what I can try?
TeeMan1 [Avatar]
Member Joined: Nov 03, 2014 01:41 Messages: 91 Offline
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Quote I have a 3 camera shot of my band live.

It was shot with GoPro Hero 4s and I've reduced the resolution to 720p, to better speed up processing.

I am using the audio from one of the video tracks and have the 3 videos sync'd up in MultiCam designer.

However, everytime I run the designer, to do the camera selections, audio takes 12-15 seconds to come in, every time.

I am running this on a Dell XPS15, i7, 16GB RAm and SSD.

Anyone come across this, and does anyone have any ideas of what I can try?


If you are using Powerdirector 16, it has the worst multi-cam function of any NLE on the market. Like you, I do most of my raw footage in 3 and 4 cam shoots. Trying to get PD-16 Multi-cam's feature to function (sync) properly is an exercise in futility. Combined with the fact that PD has no "audio follows video" function when changing/switching camera's, it can make for a very long and frustrating day. Don't get me wrong, PD is a GREAT product. For me however, that one single issue keeps me having to go back to a copy of Adobe Premiere CS-6 to do my multi-cam edits, produce it there and export it as an MP4. From that exported edit, I then bring it back into PD. Yea there is a little degradation but it works. If you don't want to purchase an Adobe CC license, you may take a look at any number of the other free alternatives (Lightworks, DaVinci Resolve, Blender, etc.). They should be able to handle the syncing for you. You can then bring it back into PD as an MP4. Hopes this helps.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at Jun 08. 2018 02:26

DrummerBoy [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Feb 02, 2016 10:30 Messages: 2 Offline
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Thanks for that, I thought I was losing my marbles!! I'll try some fo the free editors you've mentioned here.


If you are using Powerdirector 16, it has the worst multi-cam function of any NLE on the market. Like you, I do most of my raw footage in 3 and 4 cam shoots. Trying to get PD-16 Multi-cam's feature to function (sync) properly is an exercise in futility. Combined with the fact that PD has no "audio follows video" function when changing/switching camera's, it can make for a very long and frustrating day. Don't get me wrong, PD is a GREAT product. For me however, that one single issue keeps me having to go back to a copy of Adobe Premiere CS-6 to do my multi-cam edits, produce it there and export it as an MP4. From that exported edit, I then bring it back into PD. Yea there is a little degradation but it works. If you don't want to purchase an Adobe CC license, you may take a look at any number of the other free alternatives (Lightworks, DaVinci Resolve, Blender, etc.). They should be able to handle the syncing for you. You can then bring it back into PD as an MP4. Hopes this helps.
Newbie Location: Los Angeles, California, USA Joined: Nov 27, 2011 16:08 Messages: 31 Offline
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I also have audio lag with 3 and 4 camera editing in Power Director Ultimate 15, and Power Director Ultimate 17. But, none in Power Director Uttimate 14. So I always have to go back to Power Director 14 Ultimate to do my multi camera editing.


If you are using Powerdirector 16, it has the worst multi-cam function of any NLE on the market. Like you, I do most of my raw footage in 3 and 4 cam shoots. Trying to get PD-16 Multi-cam's feature to function (sync) properly is an exercise in futility. Combined with the fact that PD has no "audio follows video" function when changing/switching camera's, it can make for a very long and frustrating day. Don't get me wrong, PD is a GREAT product. For me however, that one single issue keeps me having to go back to a copy of Adobe Premiere CS-6 to do my multi-cam edits, produce it there and export it as an MP4. From that exported edit, I then bring it back into PD. Yea there is a little degradation but it works. If you don't want to purchase an Adobe CC license, you may take a look at any number of the other free alternatives (Lightworks, DaVinci Resolve, Blender, etc.). They should be able to handle the syncing for you. You can then bring it back into PD as an MP4. Hopes this helps.
H Envy 17.3" Notebook Touchsmart M7-J020dx
4th generation Intel (R) i7 4700MQ @2.4GHz
1TBl HD Toshiba MQ1ABD100
DVD optical Drive, RAM 8
Display Adapter Intel (R) HD graphics 4600
64bit operation system, Windows 8.1
Newbie Location: Los Angeles, California, USA Joined: Nov 27, 2011 16:08 Messages: 31 Offline
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Drummer Boy, I purchased Power Director Utimate 15 and later on Power Director Ultimate 17, and use the multi camera editor with 3 and 4 cameras. The PD 15 and PD 17 both have an audio lag with multi camera editor...But, when i go back to my re-installed Power Director Ultimate 14 the audio is fine with the multi camera editor.

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at Feb 12. 2019 19:59

H Envy 17.3" Notebook Touchsmart M7-J020dx
4th generation Intel (R) i7 4700MQ @2.4GHz
1TBl HD Toshiba MQ1ABD100
DVD optical Drive, RAM 8
Display Adapter Intel (R) HD graphics 4600
64bit operation system, Windows 8.1
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