Hi Bhajje -
I don't have the same issue.
Till I read your post, I hadn't updated to the 391.01 driver for my GTX680. I set up a test project with UHD & 4K clips with VBR of 50-100Mbps (about 20 min duration).
After playing around with it using the previous 390.77 driver (no issues), I saved and closed PDR16 to install the new driver.
Running the 391.01 driver with hardware ecoding checked in PDR, there was no obvious difference in playback of the same project. Preview, as previously, was set to Full HD.
Cheers - Tony
Hi Tony,
Thanks for your test.
So, I re- installed diver 391.01, but not as an update, but as a new installation. And I have always the same problem. And what I clearly see now, is that when jumping from a clip to the following, there is a short pause of the playback. Between two clips, the plaback is smooth. And again, when jumping to the following clip on the timeline, a short pause again....
When coming back to the previous driver (390.77), I have not these pauses....
Originally, I have 4K (100 Mbps) clips. I use shadow files (1280x720) with preview in full HD.
It's just not very cool to have these pauses.... So, after installing as a new installation the 391.01 driver, I come back again to the previous one.
i7-4770K 3.50 GHz, Nvidia GTX 960 2 Go, SSD 500 Go, RAM 32 Go
Win 10 64 bits, DirectorSuite 365