Hi Scope,
Just to clarify and echo what everyone else has stated with regard to pds files.
Pds files are not a container that holds all your video, image, and audio files for your project. It is just the road map to where all the image and video files are stored on your computer, so that when you re-open Power Director with a pds file, the pds can facilitate the finding and re-loading of all these files back into PD again. Also, pds files save and retain all the transitions, effects, and general editing moves that you have applied to your project so far.
If you re-open PD with a saved pds, and some video clips, images, or audio files are missing from your project, it is most likely that you moved those files from their original location from where you originally loaded them into PowerDirector. That’s where the pds file expects to find them again. But once moved, PD, may not be able to find them or load them to your new session with the latest saved pds file. If you move them, the pds road map now leads to an empty place where the files used to be. So now Power Director is stumped.
This is why it’s best to always create a folder for each project, and put all your media (video, image, music, etc.), for that one project in that one folder. Then don’t do any maintenance to that folder till you are sure your project is completed to your satisfaction and is “in the can” as they say. But you can delete files from the library to keep things uncluttered.
You can also use the “pack project” feature for saving an entire project for posterity.
This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at Mar 03. 2009 00:59
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