I have several clips which I want to sync. to music. I know that I would like sections of 1:16 and 0:38 so I can juggle them around to fit with the beat. This would appear to be easy using the Trim tool (scissor icon), but much to my puzzlement when measuring time, PD14 divides one second into 25 parts!
I mean that when dragging over the timeline, a clip will give me a visual count of (for example) 19:22, then 19:23, then 19:24 and then (for reasons I cannot fathom) the next increment is 20:00 !! This makes trimming to specific lengths very tedious as I have to work this out on paper (my head has exploded) to get the clip lengths I want.
This would be simpler if the music had pronounced beats, but my waveform is not that easy to read in that regard so I have to resort to time.
I then discovered that there are 'Single trim' and 'multi-trim' options but that is not so user-friendly. Can somebody please point me to a resource which simply explains these Trim options for me (and will it make my task easier)?
Thank-you so much.
This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at Jan 03. 2017 02:13