All others are invited to add their suggestions too! I hope the Powers That Be take the wishes of their loyal customers and users into serious consideration...
- clip priority (see my other thread)
- timeline marker stops at the end of last clip and doesn't jump back to start position
- PiPs and titles should be alterable (e.g. "Breaking News" title scrolling text looping and title not fading out)
- In the DVD menus an option to get rid of the countless chapter pages (just having chapters is enough most of the time)
- A real "countdown" option would be nice! What use is a countdown graphic which is not customizable ('seconds' etc.?)
- In the slide show designer an option in the "motion" style --> "customize" to always start the cropping rectangle full picture. Strangely enough the cropping area rectangle NEVER covers the whole picture!! How can that be?
- (Not sure if this is already there): A home movie-style "camcorder" overlay showing round-edged lines in the 4
corners of the frame and a red blinking "record" icon/dot in one corner and maybe a battery symbol plus time code /date?
This message was edited 8 times. Last update was at Nov 01. 2016 23:07