I just read a comment on the Adobe Community Forum: "
I guess I'll have to seriously start looking for a non-Adobe product for my video projects...What a shame..." The user was disappointed because Motion Tracking wasn't working in PE13.
Highwinder - I doubt that anyone here will disagree with your suggestion/wish/demand that motion tracking be added as a feature in PDR. Manual keyframing is time consuming.
There's a bit of confusion of terms here because different software uses motion tracking in slightly different ways. Just Google "motion tracking" and you'll see how ambiguous it is. For example, Vegas has a feature called "Track Motion" which has nothing at all to do with tracking motion!
Highwinder, I think, is referring to camera motion tracking where particular points are tracked and those points can be applied to another object (e.g. so a graphic object can be set to follow the motion of an element in a video).
In CL's defence, ColorDirector is not advertised as fulfilling that function. It applies a
motion tracking mask so an object in a video can change colour or other parameters. In the documentation, "motion tracking" is consistently used with the word "
mask" following it. So - that's quite a different thing. With varying degrees of success, CDR does what it says it can do.
Anyway, Highwinder, I'm with you. I'd like PDR to incorporate motion tracking too.
Cheers - Tony
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