Yes, you can delete other files, however, my preference is to copy-paste my packed project into my source file folder, and overwrite the existing.
What that does is combine my packed project materials along with any media files I did not use.
This is important to know...packed projects do not copy files from the library, only the ones actually used in the timelines.
I'm looking for a PDToots tutorial on this, but it eludes me.
HP Envy Phoenix/4thGen i7-4770(4@3.4GHz~turbo>3.9)
Nvidia GTX 960(4GB)/16GB DDR3/
Canon Vixia HV30/HF-M40/HF-M41/HF-G20/Olympus E-PL5.
Tape capture using 6 VCR, TBC-1000, Elite BVP4+, Sony D8 camcorder with TBC.