What? That can't be where it's supposed to autosave a project - if so one would need to edit the setting for each project. Autosaving should of course be done to each project where ever it resides. Doesn't make sense. Or did I misunderstand you?
However, if I set the standard projects folder (that's the one it opens when you hit "open project") to something else - it doesn't delete my files since that particular folder is empty.
I've just about had it with Cyberlink and their buggy software. PDVD13 chopping like nothing else (PDVD 12 working just fine) and PD 12 deleting files (different computers). I've been an IT pro for the last 13 years and have never seen anything like this with weird bugs except for Oracle and their Java crap and Adobes Flash and Reader!
It is not where Powerdirector 12 is supposed to Auto Save Projects.
Default location:
Auto Save location for Powerdirector 12
It is a Hidden location. Change your Folder Options to show Hidden folders and files
Auto Save is a safety net.
It saves a backup Project file every 10 minutes if the default has not been changed.
If you are using good Project Management practice you would Save As a Project file as an incrementing number appended to the end of the Project filename.
Watch these Tutorials will demonstrate what I am talking about.
There is two parts. Link to second part is in the About.
Project Management Part 1
Carl312: Windows 10 64-bit 8 GB RAM,AMD Phenom II X4 965 3.4 GHz,ATI Radeon HD 5770 1GB,240GB SSD,two 1TB HDs.