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20th Century Fox blu ray disks won't play
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I just installed Power DVD Ultra 13 because my blu ray disks stopped playing with Power DVD 12 Ultra. Now my disks are playing except for my blu ray 20th Century Fox disks. I get a black screen with red writing and a message that says:

"Warning Your Bu-ray Player requires an update in order to play this disc. Please visit your Blu-ray Player manufacturer's website and follow their instructions to update your Blu-ray Player. For additionaly information on Blu-ray Player updates please vist...."

When I did an internet search of this issue I was told that it was basically because the player needed new codes of some sort. The thing is that there have not been any update options regarding this Power DVD version player that I can find. I'd appreciate any insights anyone could give. I'd like to buy other blu-ray discs by this company but if they won't play and if Power DVD 13 Ultra can't play all my disks....
CyberLink-Michael [Avatar]
Senior Contributor Location: Europe Joined: Apr 18, 2007 04:05 Messages: 7418 Offline
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our RD would like to investigate the issue - can you please help to provide the following info here in the forum:

1. each title that shows the issue
2. EAN code / Number under the BDs barcode for each title?

Please also get in contact with our Support and report the issue to them!

Thanks for your support!
Michael Technical Support

Werde Facebook Fan
jimmyjhd [Avatar]
Member Joined: Apr 27, 2013 12:52 Messages: 63 Offline
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HI coljoy, any updates on the asked information yet? At first glance, I would suspect a regional settings issue but I'm just throwing it out there.
[Post New]
Quote: Hi,
our RD would like to investigate the issue - can you please help to provide the following info here in the forum:

1. each title that shows the issue
2. EAN code / Number under the BDs barcode for each title?

Please also get in contact with our Support and report the issue to them!

Thanks for your support!

I have contacted customer service....

At present the only disk not playing for me is, "Meet Dave" and the barcode is 2454353323 ...and a small 8 at the end.
[Post New]
Quote: HI coljoy, any updates on the asked information yet? At first glance, I would suspect a regional settings issue but I'm just throwing it out there.

No it's not a regional settings problem. I had Power DVD 12 and it would work fine and then wouldn't update properly. I had various things happening. So I updated to Power DVD 13 hoping it would be better and I had problems as well. It seems that the problem for the most part has been fixed. Idk... my best guess is that there needed to be updated software or another program was conflicting with things. I just have one disk that isn't playing at present.
CyberLink-Michael [Avatar]
Senior Contributor Location: Europe Joined: Apr 18, 2007 04:05 Messages: 7418 Offline
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Hi coljoy,
thanks for your feedback - I will forward it to our support team

Michael Technical Support

Werde Facebook Fan
[Post New]
Quote: Hi coljoy,
thanks for your feedback - I will forward it to our support team


CyberLink-Michael [Avatar]
Senior Contributor Location: Europe Joined: Apr 18, 2007 04:05 Messages: 7418 Offline
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our team was able to reproduce this title issue and we investigate the root cause now

Michael Technical Support

Werde Facebook Fan
[Post New]
Quote: Hi,
our team was able to reproduce this title issue and we investigate the root cause now


Thanks, I assume you will post a message here if there is an update?
[Post New]
Quote: Hi,
our team was able to reproduce this title issue and we investigate the root cause now


Thanks, I assume you will post a message here if there is an update?
You will get a message when launching PDVD I think. My collection:
[Post New]
Okay thanks.
Lundon [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Mar 09, 2015 22:33 Messages: 1 Offline
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I am having the same problem with my The Day The Earth Stood Still Blu Ray
Updated my power dvd
still getting the warning

any help ?

thank you
[Post New]
20th Century Fox's Blu-rays are tricky, I know they are specially protected. In order to play their Blu-rays, I would say to backup these Blu-rays hebeforehand, and then stream to PowerDVD, that works for me.
Born [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Mar 12, 2018 18:30 Messages: 1 Offline
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I am having the same trouble - had it with Cyberlink power DVD 15 so I upgraded to 17 and same issue now. The discs I cannot play are "Prometheus" and "Alien Covenant".
Forum Moderator [Avatar]
Contributor Joined: Feb 27, 2018 01:01 Messages: 578 Offline
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Quote I am having the same trouble - had it with Cyberlink power DVD 15 so I upgraded to 17 and same issue now. The discs I cannot play are "Prometheus" and "Alien Covenant".


You responded to a three year old post, which you are asked not to do in the read me. Next time, please start a new thread and reference this one.

Please also read this post. When the movie studios renew the AACS keys required to play Blu-rays, they are distributed by the player (PowerDVD), disc drive (update your firmware), and most frequently the GPU driver. Please go to the GPU manufacturer web site and update your driver first.

This thread will now be closed, as it should only be used for reference purposes.

PowerDVD Moderator
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