I'm having an issue where my 3D light emitter won't come on my monitor for 3D Blu Rays. This used to work about a year ago on my system. The only thing that's changed since then is I upgraded to a EVGA 680 GTX. This should make it work better if anything. My 3D works fine in games,etc.
I've tried all sorts of things to get it to work. I changed my refresh on the display to 60Hz from 120Hz. This doesn't matter since the software appears to change it back to 120Hz which is what it should be for 3D anyways.
I'm using the latest Nvidia nvision drivers and my 3D works fine in games.
I went into the Nvidia 3D settings and tried changing the > Select when the display is in 3D mode from > Only when 3D programs run and also Only when Full Screen 3D programs run. I even changed it to Always and it's still not working!
I'm using a dedicated 3D Blu Ray title (Kung Fu Panda 2). 3D used to work with my regular DVD's and with this Blu Ray 3D on this software so this is kind of upsetting. Any ideas?
I also clicked on the 3D button and get this message saying my monitor only support 3d in full screen. It used to say this before but it would turn the light on the monitor and 3D would come on.
Under the 3D Display Configuration within the application it has NVIDIA 3D VISION Ready Monitor button selected which seems correct. I even tried the Auto detect 3D display and that didn't work. I tried rebooting, disabling/enabling 3D in Nvidia control panel and nothing has worked. I've attached my dxdiags and the Cyber Link BD & 3D advisor output as well. Thanks for any help with this. The only reason I'm trying to get it to work is because I want to buy a new 3D movie but not if this doesn't work. I was debating on upgrading to 12 Ultra since it comes with Mediaespresso but not sure.
I'm not sure why the Cyber Link BD & 3D advisor says Failed for Software Player - Not Found. It said this a year ago when the 3D worked so not sure why it says this?
Nvidia Drivers:
Power DVD 10 Version 10.0.3306.54
Version Type: BD Express Japan
Filename | DxDiagNEW.txt |
Description | DXdiags |
Filesize |
37 Kbytes
Downloaded: | 372 time(s) |
Filename | DEBUG_CLDetect_BOOSTED_2013_03_18_09_49_13.zip |
Description | 3D advisor Output |
Filesize |
3 Kbytes
Downloaded: | 405 time(s) |