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How the h-l do I download?
Patrik [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Mar 08, 2008 11:23 Messages: 5 Offline
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Less than a year ago I bought PowerDVD Ultra with 24 months download subscription, but now when I need to download it again, I just cant find no info where I can download it???? I have looked under "My account" att CyberLinks very poor site, as well as having tried to search the FAQs and support areas, but the information is nowhere to be found??

I have now spend 35 minutes trying to find the info but now I have given up and started to download it from PirateBay instead, which is a total joke considering that I am a paying customer with a valid serial


This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at Mar 08. 2008 11:34

Patrik [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Mar 08, 2008 11:23 Messages: 5 Offline
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Have tried to download the latest PowerDVD trial from 3 different places now (including but the file seem corrupted. Have tried it on 2 different computers, but all files give the same error message ("corrupt file"). The success story seem to continue for CyberLink
Tom [Avatar]
Newbie Location: Canada Joined: Feb 17, 2008 00:07 Messages: 34 Offline
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Have you tried emailing customer support? They should send you a link to the latest build. TAS
Patrik [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Mar 08, 2008 11:23 Messages: 5 Offline
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Quote: Have you tried emailing customer support? They should send you a link to the latest build.

Sure, but no response...

But why should I really have to email customer support just to be able to download it? Why not just have a link right next to where my CD key is displayed?

RobertJ/OZ [Avatar]
Senior Contributor Location: Melbourne Australia Joined: Aug 14, 2006 02:26 Messages: 1209 Offline
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When you purchased PowerDVD was a link provided for the download, if you purchased an extended download period, then the link should still be valid.

you should always make a backup copy of all your downloads, for just this situation.

As Tom has said, contact Technical Support, they will provide a link for you

Robert Intel i7 930, 16GB ram, Radeon HD 5770 1Gb,Ver. 14.12 Win7 64 bit
Intel i7 7700 HQ, 16 GB ram Nvidia GTX 1050Ti 4GB dual drives 1 TB SSD + 1 TB HDD Win 10

Patrik [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Mar 08, 2008 11:23 Messages: 5 Offline
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This is turning into a real nightmare, this is the response I got from customer service:

"Dear Patrik,

Thank you for contacting CyberLink Online Support.

We understand that you are facing issue with PowerDVD Ultra software.

To assist you in a better way we need a valid proof of Purchase like order number (invoice / sales receipt), scanned copy of the installation disk or Alternative E-Mail address using which you have purchased PowerDVD Ultra from our CyberLink online store.

After analyzing the snap shot of the installation CD or invoice / sales receipt, we can assist you in a better way. "

I tell them I bought it online and need to get the download link again, and they ask me for a snapshop of the installation CD? Sorry, but the only conclusion I can draw from this is that they couldn't care less about their customers
Tom [Avatar]
Newbie Location: Canada Joined: Feb 17, 2008 00:07 Messages: 34 Offline
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They just sent you a one size fits all canned response.

Do you have the email you received when you bought it online? That's what you need. TAS
marktheshark [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Mar 09, 2008 14:06 Messages: 8 Offline
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As with any software you download,they send you a confirmation Email,Every place that I have bought from(Digital River,E commerce...)has all sent me a email with the link for what I bought extended downloads for.Hopefully you still have that email address,go back for a few years and look it up.Next time create a folder in your email program for all downloads and stuff it in there.I have been through this with Roxio,I have the 3yr extended download service and was in the same boat,I had to find it deep.Good Luck! PC Specs GM 5664,AMD Phenom 9600 quad core processor 2.3Ghz,3600 fbs,3Gb's ramVista Home Premium,HD 2400XT GPU 256mbs memory,HL-DT-ST BDHDDVDRW GGC-H20N multi drive,PDVD Ultra 7.3 and 8.0 2nd PC Dell 3100 2005 MCE,2gb's ram Nvidia 6200 video card,Lg burn
Patrik [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Mar 08, 2008 11:23 Messages: 5 Offline
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Quote: They just sent you a one size fits all canned response.

Do you have the email you received when you bought it online? That's what you need.

Unbelievable, I sent them a reply stating that I was very unhappy with their customer service and pointing out that asking me for a snappshot of the installation disc was kind of stupid considering I bought it online and downloaded it....and they sent me the exact same replay again as the first time! Totally unbelievable

Now I have had it with them and is going to download it from an "alternate source" instead, which is totally cracy as I am in fact a paying customer already.

What a joke
Matthew [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Feb 20, 2008 07:37 Messages: 6 Offline
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What I've done to get at my "24 month download" copy is: click "members" at the top of the page, then log in if necessary.

Then click "check order status" in the left hand column. I get a security error but click "continue to this website" anyway.

I then get asked to log in for a second time, using the same cyberlink account details.

I then get a list of orders and click the "24 month extended download" order. There's then a "download this product again" link, which lets me download the software.

Does that work for you?
Pipegrep [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Apr 23, 2008 22:13 Messages: 10 Offline
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I have been trying to access "check order status" for 4 days and the element 5 site responds with:

Service currently unavailable

This service is currently unavailable due to technical reasons. Please try again later.

Is anybody else having this problem? I contacted support over 24 hours ago and I haven't received a response.
Shania6970 [Avatar]
Newbie Location: Queensland Australia Joined: Dec 06, 2017 14:46 Messages: 1 Offline
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I purchased a Media Suite 9.00 in 2016. I have an email from Cyberlink addressed to my current email and the product is registered on their website and I have a copy of same. I sent a request for a download link. They came back with the request for proof of purchase. Now, considering the above, this is totally insane. I have made 5 complaints and all come back with the sane standard repliey saying it has been forwarded. I am begining to think that no humans work at Cyberlink. Does anyone have the CEO's Jau Cheung email address. I have tried faxing him, but even the fax number on the website is wrong. They are totally useless.
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