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No visible sound waveform in timeline
cb_49 [Avatar]
Newbie Location: Canada Joined: Feb 04, 2012 16:48 Messages: 5 Offline
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Hi, don't know if it ever occur to someone but I cannot see my audio waveform (every time) in the timeline even after doing all the right setup. It's either there for a small portion of the clip and none existing for all the other track. This is for video/audio tracks or voice and music tracks. And yes, in the preference section, the option is on.
Does someone have any idea on what can cause this. This is very annoying if you're trying to sync multiple tracks and music together.

Thank you in advance.

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I do not know if I understand your case.
You tried to open in Wave Editor, it corrects errors of audio and graphic wave

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at Sep 10. 2012 23:38

Senior Contributor Location: New Britain, CT, USA (between New York and Boston) Joined: Feb 10, 2010 21:36 Messages: 1038 Offline
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I ran into this problem too, and I work around it by stretching and compressing the timeline. I forget exactly what I did, unfortunately. The key seems to be forcing PD to redraw the track. Jerry Schwartz
cb_49 [Avatar]
Newbie Location: Canada Joined: Feb 04, 2012 16:48 Messages: 5 Offline
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Thanks Jerrys, that's my problem. I also tried to stretched the timeline but with luck. What my problem is I do not see in the timeline, the audio waveform. I only see a straight line which I can bring up or down. (and no, it's not my video card).
Can some one can help please.


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This has been seen in PD10 in the past. To recommend a fix, we need you to complete PART A (mine is and PART B on the link below, then return here and post the items, please.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at Sep 11. 2012 22:56

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You could post here 10 to 20 seconds of this video or audio, so we can better analyze
cb_49 [Avatar]
Newbie Location: Canada Joined: Feb 04, 2012 16:48 Messages: 5 Offline
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Hi Playsound,

As requested, here a sample of my timeline. As you can see, track 1, you can see a waveform but on track 2 & 3 nothing. All settings are ok. Any clue? Can it be software related? Video card ATI Radeon HD 5700.
Thank you for your time. CB
[Thumb - Wafeworm problem.png]
Wafeworm problem.png
502 Kbytes
398 time(s)
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AND...I do not think anyone ASKED for the timeline image..but great..what we need is PART a and PART B above (click the link and follow instructions), please! That will REALLY give us a clue!
cb_49 [Avatar]
Newbie Location: Canada Joined: Feb 04, 2012 16:48 Messages: 5 Offline
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Hello FredB, did like requested. All ready have version installed. Here the only DxDiag file I found. Hope it can help you. Thanks in advance.
cb_49 DxDiag.txt
45 Kbytes
562 time(s)
[Post New]
I apologize for my error. I will let the person who requested the timeline image respond, so I won't confuse.
[Post New]
Quote: Hi Playsound,

As requested, here a sample of my timeline. As you can see, track 1, you can see a waveform but on track 2 & 3 nothing. All settings are ok. Any clue? Can it be software related? Video card ATI Radeon HD 5700.
Thank you for your time. CB

Sorry if I'm not expresei well, what is asked of a sample video that is giving error, a very short clip for easy donload.
I or another member of the forum will add in PD10 and try to find a solution AMD-FX 8350 / 8GB DDR3
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Senior Contributor Location: Surrey, B.C., Canada Joined: Jun 10, 2010 16:20 Messages: 1783 Offline
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Just had a look at the timeline image....and there is a waveform on the track that there is supposed to be none but looks as tho it has no volume? (I have a hearing disability so can't say for sure) but try opening in 'Wave editor' and boosting it, it may just be background noise or may not.
p.s. I have had a few of my imported clips show the same 'flat line' but if I edit in wave form it turns out to be just 'noise' I do have an amplified headphone setup. Intel i7-2600@3.4Gz Geforce 560ti-1GB Graphic accelerator, windows 7 Premium 12GB memory

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Senior Contributor Location: Houston, Texas USA Joined: Jan 25, 2011 12:18 Messages: 4663 Offline
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I'm not sure it has any effect on this or not but you should update the drivers for you audio chip just in case. .
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Dafydd B [Avatar]
Senior Contributor Joined: Aug 26, 2006 08:20 Messages: 11973 Offline
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I have before now run into a no wave form displayed issue, it was with another version of PowerDirector.

I corrected the situation, there are two courses of action that could be followed. The solution is dependent upon your confidence using a computer.

1. Uninstall PowerDirector.
2. Go to: C:\Users\YOURPCNAME\AppData\Roaming\CyberLink\PowerDirector\10.0\WaveForms
and delete the text files. [These are wave forms generated by the placement of a video/audio file in PD]
3. Start/type in RegEdit - select enter on your keyboard
4. In the registry go to :
MediaObj - delete the folder

The alternative is to delete the folder "10.0"

Now reinstall PowerDirector 10.

This is what I have done to correct a situation in PowerDirector. If you follow what I have done, you do so at your own risk.

The failure to generate a wave form is caused by an installation error. What I did corrected the problem.


This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at Sep 13. 2012 08:36

cb_49 [Avatar]
Newbie Location: Canada Joined: Feb 04, 2012 16:48 Messages: 5 Offline
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Thanks for your respond Dafydd but that's was my next step. To uninstall and reinstalling it. I'll do so and let you guys know.
Thanks. CB
Dafydd B [Avatar]
Senior Contributor Joined: Aug 26, 2006 08:20 Messages: 11973 Offline
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Hi CB,
The following files i have listed are likely to be responsible for wave form generation - the exe is for sure.

Please do not block the running of these files in any way.

If you are using Shadow edit files, please uncheck the option in Preferences. Preferences/General/Enable HD.... uncheck the option.

File generation can interfere with editing, wave generation especially if you a) have it running, b) when you fail to allow the file to generated before you start editing.

Your system does not need shadow files.

keefy [Avatar]
Member Location: Isle of Wight Joined: Aug 19, 2008 09:20 Messages: 100 Offline
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Hi Dafydd

I have been using PD for many years and it is quite some time since PR10, but the problem still persists. I am half way through a long project, and out of principle do not want to adjust the registry and do a 'clean' reinstall at this point. (Although I know my project should be OK).

When you said the alternative, 'delete folder 10' (or 15 as it is now) were you suggesting the actual folder that has all the program files in it at C:/Program Files/Cyberlink/PowerDirector15 or something else - before doing a reinstall. From your tone, I guess this way of doing it is not preferable?

This is not the first time this has happened, and sometimes the 'waves' appear on restart, but not on this occasion. Cannot Cyberlink correct this with a patch - or in a new version. It is so important, and must affect so many users? I do not use the Shadow File option.



Quote Hi,
I have before now run into a no wave form displayed issue, it was with another version of PowerDirector.

I corrected the situation, there are two courses of action that could be followed. The solution is dependent upon your confidence using a computer.

1. Uninstall PowerDirector.
2. Go to: C:\Users\YOURPCNAME\AppData\Roaming\CyberLink\PowerDirector\10.0\WaveForms
and delete the text files. [These are wave forms generated by the placement of a video/audio file in PD]
3. Start/type in RegEdit - select enter on your keyboard
4. In the registry go to :
MediaObj - delete the folder

The alternative is to delete the folder "10.0"

Now reinstall PowerDirector 10.

This is what I have done to correct a situation in PowerDirector. If you follow what I have done, you do so at your own risk.

The failure to generate a wave form is caused by an installation error. What I did corrected the problem.

Senior Contributor Location: Cambridge, UK Joined: Nov 24, 2011 04:44 Messages: 731 Offline
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Quote When you said the alternative, 'delete folder 10' (or 15 as it is now) were you suggesting the actual folder that has all the program files in it at C:/Program Files/Cyberlink/PowerDirector15

Hi Keith,

This a very old topic you have replied to, although admittedly still relevant to your problem. I think Dafydd may have moved on and no longer be a moderator for this forum.

The folder he was referring to is the entry in the registry. If you want to do a clean install of Power Director you could try Revo uninstaller which can remove registry junk and other files that the Windows uninstaller leaves behind. Regards,

Home-build system:
Intel Core i5 Quad Core 3.3GHz, 2 x 4GB DDR3 1333MHz,
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keefy [Avatar]
Member Location: Isle of Wight Joined: Aug 19, 2008 09:20 Messages: 100 Offline
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Thanks for your help. I have been a PD user for 8-9 years and this problem has haunted me throughout.

Firstly, I uninstalled/reinstalled PD15 using the Control Panel, then updated to find the problem still persisted. Secondly, I used 'Max Uninstaller' and removed 11118 files/folders+10 reg. entries+ dozens of 'leftovers', reinstalled, updated and tried again.

From experience, I know that PD puts files and folders all over the place, and even my attempt at a 'clean' installation has probably left stuff that need to be sorted manually in the registry.

After all that, my soundwaves are still missing, and I really need them.

Yes, I have them switched on in Preferences, I am not using Shadow Files and try to run a clean system, and my drivers are up-to-date.

NOTE: I cound not find the offending files that Dafyyd referred to from the PD10 version.

I cannot believe I'm the only one with this problem. Can anybody help?



Quote When you said the alternative, 'delete folder 10' (or 15 as it is now) were you suggesting the actual folder that has all the program files in it at C:/Program Files/Cyberlink/PowerDirector15

Hi Keith,

This a very old topic you have replied to, although admittedly still relevant to your problem. I think Dafydd may have moved on and no longer be a moderator for this forum.

The folder he was referring to is the entry in the registry. If you want to do a clean install of Power Director you could try Revo uninstaller which can remove registry junk and other files that the Windows uninstaller leaves behind.
tomasc [Avatar]
Senior Contributor Joined: Aug 25, 2011 12:33 Messages: 6464 Offline
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You really need to start a new topic post here.

The missing audio waveform could be that a video refresh of the screen is all that is needed. On some video timelines, clicking on the scroll bar may be all that is needed. If the same problem exists in PD15 and PD10 then it is possible that a different pc with a different video card, video driver, more powerful cpu can generate more of those waveforms in less time. A quick horizontal scroll fix it for me for the last 6 years.
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