James et al -
Yes, James - you're right. The post that Carl referenced only works for a one-off menu & doesn't help you do exactly what you're after. That was just my layman's way of tricking the thing.
I'm afraid I've never really worked out how the menu template is structured so that the video thumbnail plays in exactly the right part of the screen... so I don't have an answer to your question. I'm certainly interested in any light that can be shed upon it by other members.
The answer
probably lies somewhere in the depths of the menu template folders, hidden in the code of an .xml file.
To find the Menu Templates location check this post
If we take Petal (Template 2) as an example, it contains a background image with a transparent section, which also makes use of a mask. If you select the Petal template, the video thumnail on the main page displays in a frame.
Looking at the template files in C:\Program Files (x86)\CyberLink\templates\PowerDirector Content Pack 10\PowerDirector 10 Content Pack I\Menus\
Petal - there are subfolders containing various graphics, videos, xml files & other stuff I don't have a clue about.
The background image is called
BKGD01.png (in the background folder) would be the equivalent of James' map/cruiseship image.
OK - that's where I find myself in a dark place with not much of an idea how to interpret the data. Obviously - somewhere in those folders, there's an instruction to place the thumnail in a certain position on the screen... just like the mask (heart_alpha.png in the frame sub-folder).
I reckon there's a slim chance that
SOMEONE reading this thread might have a clue about where to look to find the answer to James' question.
I know - fat lot of help that was!
Cheers - Tony
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