Hi guys,
Must say this is a thread where I admire your perseverance on the matter !
It's interesting how we have different workflows, how we prefer working/editing.
Barry saves as many as up to 20 "editions". I've been told by a member here
he can save as many as up to 100 - for 1 project.
I guess I save a few.
Some work on
large projects.
My workflow has changed quite a bit over the years. Now I most often work on
parts of a project -
which I then render, to have it really "saved" so to speak.
Later I bring the rendered parts together.
I think PD has been initializing that workflow, due to the many different "experiences"
of/with the program. I almost never work on more than 1-2 projects at a time.
When a video is finished, my habit is to delete as much as possible of the space/folders
used by it. To me, it's a bit like clothes or nails or bits of woodpanels; I save it because
I think I might use it, only 5 years later to find it unused, taking up space.
In other words; 1- 2 importfolder(s), 1 exportfolder (rendered parts), autosave (save as)
-> delete when done.
Just something.