I just figured out myself. I’m write it down my own conclusions and any other comments are welcome:
In order to create a big Blu-Ray project, I follow these simple rules:
1. Always create sub-projects. Divide your movie idea in small projects about 10 to 15 minutes each. You can add “subtitles” but don’t waste your time adding “chapters”, because you are going to lose them in the next step. The “subtitles” can be exported or saved in a produced clip, depends on how you are going to assemble the final project (see 2.2.b).
2. Assemble one final project with the sub-projects. At this point, you may have two routes to go. Both have pros and cons:
2.1. Importing the PD9 sub-projects into one big project
-Save time. Add chapters and create your disc with the same profile of your original footage
-You may have a fast and very stable system to prevent PD9 crash and have a fast editing performance in large projects
2.2. Importing sub-projects video clips and assembles a one final project.
-Much more stable
-Easer to edit and view your entire project in the time line
- Slower:
a) Need to produce a video clip of each sub-project (you may use a bigger sample rate in order to not lose original footage quality)
b) You may need to add “subtitles” if you want your BD menu have the subtitle option or just produce your sub-projects videos with subtitles included.
c) Add chapters
d) Create your disc with the same profile of your sub-projects footage
In both cases, use the following rules:
- Always use the same profile of your original footage.
- Always use the same or bigger sample rate if you don’t want to lose quality
- Always use the same pixel of your original footage. Example: if your original video is 1440x1080 don’t waste your time in create a 1920x1080 BD because it just consumes more space in your disc and you will not notice the difference.
-What I’m not really sure, it’s about if you decide to create a Interlace or Progressive disc, but there are not much options in PD9 and maybe depends in where are you going to watch the movie.
============= EDITED =============
I still have not decided what route to take, but for now, we're just doing the sub-projects. So I'am still in time to hear more Suggestion. Thanks in advance.
This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at Jan 23. 2011 12:27