In the editing phase I reduced the file to 17 minutes long. Then it was time to start the Produce phase.
Produce phase has two time info sets (the 00|00|00|00) things) under the Preview display. First one was
showing file length as it was created. But the second one was already showing the Produced file would be
33 minutes length (00|33|14|00) before creation of the Produce file had even been started. ?? How could that be
combined with an edited pds file completed at a length of 17 minutes?
I discovered it had already been lengthened by the existence of a number of video fragments. All of them were
from the original video file. Some of them were flashes of things less than one frame. Two or three were a
couple of frames. None of them were connected. Most of the extra frames had nothing.
How did that junk stuff become a part of the completed file I tried to delete the stuff. Couldn't do it the
usual way by left-clicking the "split timeline" symbol and then right-clicking the last video frame at the
33 minutes file length. That way didn't work. When I right-clicked on the last frame a menu appeared but
options it showed were different and not related to deleting.