If you use PD 10 to burn movies the quality of the burned DVD movie is sub standard .
Because PD 10 diverts back to .AVI when you click on create disk this is most likely your problem is as it was mine also.
Haven tried this after the patch it may be fixed , if not that is your problem.
You can set up the burn how ever you like MPEG – 4 or what ever the burn disk is not DVD it is of very poor quality and is much smaller in size than a DVD movie.
You can try this your self and see the difference produce movie like you always do with PD 10 save it .
Now start Nero burn software and import movie file directly to Nero and burn.
The difference is night and day if you look at the burned area on DVD you can see the Nero burn used up about 2 times the amount of DVD than PD 10 uses but the real difference is in viewing finished movie , try it your self and see.
Rest of PD 10 is great.
OK last be clear , finish DVD movie and burn with within PD 10 results are CRAP compared to the other way.
Finish same produced movie from PD 10 and proceed to burn movie not in PD 10
but use Nero directly only movie quality excellent.
All the fan boy responses or insulting on myself does not change this fact.
You know I toke the time to point out a problem with PD 10 ((which is a program I love by the way)) that may help others like myself that spent days trying to figure out why when watching produced movie with windows player it was beautiful and when I when back into PD 10 and burned my movie to a DVD it was crap , and shared the fix here and then point this out here and get this.
While good luck I will keep the rest of my knowledge bass to myself
I found a very serious problem with PD 10 in producing and burning movies part of program.
If you use PD 10 to burn movies the quality of the burned DVD movie is sub standard .
You can set up the burn how ever you like MPEG – 4 or what ever the burn disk is not HD it is of very poor quality and is much smaller in size than a HD movie.
You can try this your self and see the difference produce movie like you always do with PD 10 save it .
Now start Nero burn software and import movie file directly to Nero and burn.
The difference is night and day if you look at the burned area on DVD you can see the Nero burn used up about 2 times the amount of DVD than PD 10 uses but the real difference is in viewing finished movie , try it your self and see.
Rest of PD 10 is great.