Bif - thanks for the reply. I found that the PIP track can only provide direct "cuts" (I havent found a way to use transitions like a fade on the PIP tracks).
My new approach is to use the PIP to select a camera angle, and using the split tool to pull apart the video at exactly which angle I want. Then I drag a fresh copy of the video file (from the alternate angle) onto the master video track and use the trim screen to set the Mark In/Out times to the same frame that's on the PIP track. THen I can use the transitions. NOt sure if this will work completely right - I'm worried the audio will lose sync - and this is much more time consuming than I had originally expected.
Hi all, I am a new user of Power Director 7. I am editing a video of a wedding. I set up three camcorders at the wedding, and I'd like to edit them together to take the best shots of the three cameras. I am finding it difficult to do this - but I am sure there's an easy way. I used Adobe Premiere many years ago, and to do something like this was relatively easy - add video tracks, sync the tracks and then transition. In PD 7 I thought I could do this using the PIP tracks - but I found that transitions can only be applied to the Master Video Track, and I cant find an easy way to sync the camera angles on the Master Video Track (because there is only one). I tried getting the shots I wanted on the PIP track, but I can't move clips directly from the PIP to the Master video Track. Can anyone help me with a tip on what the best way to do this would be?