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Sorry if this has been raised previously: I searched about but could not find anything.

I've got a curious issue... no text displays in any pop-ups or prompts that might display in PowerDVD (v 9.0.1530). For example if I right-click on the screen and select "Show Info", I get the frame of the pop-up box and the icons, but no actual text. Similarly when I run BluRay discs I get some sort of alert popping up sometimes before they spin up, but I have no idea what it is meant to say, because it's blank (there's the outline of the alert, and the outline of a button (I presume it's an OK button, but it's blank), and that's it. If I click the phantom OK button, everything continues fine. Other text like the fast-forward speed factor box is likewise blank.

I presumed this might be a language setting issue, so changed it from "Use System Default" to specifying English (or any other language), but this doesn't help.

Note that Windows-styled pop-ups and dialogues render fine, it's just the specially-skinned PowerDVD ones that are blank.

This is running on Windows Vista Home Premium, on a fairly new HP laptop. I'm not sure if there's any other system info that might help troubleshoot this.

I've run v7 OK on WinXP for ages without hassle. This is my first time for using Vista, and first time for using PowerDVD 9.

Any ideas? Cheers.

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